114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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192 Amy Baltz F5559 3524 73/168 1507/2609 1:08:58 11:08
193 Brad Baltz M6064 3525 99/166 2018/2629 1:08:58 11:08
7902 Grace Whitman F3034 3526 168/260 1508/2609 1:08:59 11:08
8913 Anna Finke F3034 3527 169/260 1509/2609 1:08:59 11:08
4406 Laura Rogers F4044 3528 134/223 1510/2609 1:09:00 11:08
5527 Michael Wallace M3539 3529 237/287 2019/2629 1:09:01 11:08
5523 Amanda Wallace F3539 3530 166/252 1511/2609 1:09:02 11:08
951 Tiffany Colston F4044 3531 135/223 1512/2609 1:09:04 11:09
5524 Cathy Wallace F5054 3532 80/186 1513/2609 1:09:04 11:09
10492 Q Oquendo M3034 3533 253/299 2020/2629 1:09:05 11:09
1095 Melanie Cunningham F4044 3534 136/223 1514/2609 1:09:08 11:09
4516 Theresa Sacher F4044 3535 137/223 1515/2609 1:09:10 11:10
6125 Alexandra Grout F3034 3536 170/260 1516/2609 1:09:11 11:10
7502 Melissa Doughty F4549 3537 110/211 1517/2609 1:09:11 11:10
6126 David Grout M3034 3538 254/299 2021/2629 1:09:12 11:10
10192 Jeff Smith M6064 3539 100/166 2022/2629 1:09:13 11:10
4613 Wayne Schechter M6569 3540 43/91 2023/2629 1:09:16 11:11
3031 Jennie Lawson F4044 3541 138/223 1518/2609 1:09:16 11:11
9567 Daniel Schwartz M3539 3542 238/287 2024/2629 1:09:17 11:11
4870 Maggie Simonson F2024 3543 221/349 1519/2609 1:09:18 11:11
7215 Michael Laber M6569 3544 44/91 2025/2629 1:09:20 11:11
10748 Thom Roose M5054 3545 142/200 2026/2629 1:09:21 11:12
3291 Sophia Mantel F1619 3546 195/250 1520/2609 1:09:21 11:12
6836 David Grube M0115 3547 108/140 2027/2629 1:09:21 11:12
7475 Joe Crowley M4044 3548 202/228 2028/2629 1:09:22 11:12
2565 Lauren Joseph F2024 3549 222/349 1521/2609 1:09:22 11:12
7071 Robert Willis M7579 3550 6/19 2029/2629 1:09:23 11:12
4189 Teagan Pullen F0115 3551 83/128 1522/2609 1:09:24 11:12
4547 Sarah Salvucci F2529 3552 226/356 1523/2609 1:09:25 11:12
4570 Greg Sarakatsannis M5054 3553 143/200 2030/2629 1:09:25 11:12
6079 Melissa Fugate F5054 3554 81/186 1524/2609 1:09:29 11:13
1880 Alison Gray F6064 3555 44/124 1525/2609 1:09:30 11:13
3046 Julie Lee F3539 3556 167/252 1526/2609 1:09:30 11:13
3021 Melissa Lauer F5054 3557 82/186 1527/2609 1:09:30 11:13
9236 Trinity Marlar F2024 3558 223/349 1528/2609 1:09:31 11:13
9978 Susanna Goering F5559 3559 74/168 1529/2609 1:09:31 11:13
3151 Sarah Lohse F3034 3560 171/260 1530/2609 1:09:31 11:13
2730 Carlyn Kiniyalocts F4549 3561 111/211 1531/2609 1:09:32 11:13
4228 Chris Raper M3539 3562 239/287 2031/2629 1:09:33 11:13
555 Jeremy Brink M3539 3563 240/287 2032/2629 1:09:33 11:13

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