Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

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7161 Kate Perleberg F3539 193 6/34 71/246 55:50 56:13 9:00
7205 Bruce Thoms M4549 194 13/18 123/201 55:20 56:14 8:55
7012 Cale Berryman M2529 195 28/42 124/201 56:09 56:19 9:03
7451 Ryan Martin M5559 196 4/6 125/201 55:57 56:21 9:01
7490 Sara Steele F2529 197 25/66 72/246 55:48 56:23 8:59
7078 Lori Guttormsen F3034 198 14/43 73/246 56:19 56:26 9:04
7071 Steve Gordon M6064 199 2/4 126/201 55:50 56:30 9:00
7446 Matthew Houser M3539 200 23/41 127/201 55:45 56:31 8:59
7086 Mandie Hunter F2529 201 26/66 74/246 56:10 56:33 9:03
7212 Amanda Wagner F2529 202 27/66 75/246 56:11 56:33 9:03
7299 Jeff Batker M3539 203 24/41 128/201 56:10 56:38 9:03
7327 Don Rogers M3539 204 25/41 129/201 56:03 56:45 9:02
7257 David Hautanen M4044 205 11/21 130/201 55:53 56:46 9:00
7195 Raymond Steiner M3539 206 26/41 131/201 56:21 56:49 9:05
7427 Paul Stang M5054 207 11/16 132/201 56:10 56:50 9:03
7079 Elizabeth Haas F2529 208 28/66 76/246 56:28 56:52 9:06
7124 Lauren Lofton F3034 209 15/43 77/246 56:30 56:54 9:06
7177 Ron Scheffler M3539 210 27/41 133/201 56:42 56:55 9:08
7480 Paula Tonn F2529 211 29/66 78/246 56:37 56:55 9:07
7531 Lori Walsh F4549 212 6/14 79/246 56:45 57:02 9:08
7302 Jesse David M2024 213 11/16 134/201 56:28 57:02 9:06
7096 Edric Johnson M3034 214 19/23 135/201 56:39 57:12 9:07
7024 Anna Brzezinska F4044 215 6/25 80/246 57:00 57:13 9:11
7479 Reynaldo Querubin M2529 216 29/42 136/201 56:56 57:14 9:10
7518 John Hanson M4044 217 12/21 137/201 57:03 57:19 9:11
7087 Beth Ingraham F3034 218 16/43 81/246 56:29 57:20 9:06
7076 Kim Guerrieri F4044 219 7/25 82/246 57:07 57:23 9:12
7246 Andrew Carlson M2024 220 12/16 138/201 57:16 57:26 9:13
7417 Armin Peterson M3034 221 20/23 139/201 57:26 57:29 9:15
7418 Sarah Peterson F3034 222 17/43 83/246 57:26 57:29 9:15
7307 Madeline Elder F0119 223 7/11 84/246 57:40 57:43 9:17
7224 Jim Wing M4044 224 13/21 140/201 56:57 57:45 9:10
7093 Steve Jensen M4549 225 14/18 141/201 57:20 57:50 9:14
7098 Bob Johnston M3539 226 28/41 142/201 57:40 57:56 9:17
7106 Mindy Klock F2529 227 30/66 85/246 57:50 57:56 9:19
7058 Meredith Ferdinand F3034 228 18/43 86/246 57:42 57:57 9:18
7123 Daniel Loebl M4549 229 15/18 143/201 57:42 57:57 9:18
7459 Amanda Frederick F2529 230 31/66 87/246 57:43 57:57 9:18
7094 Dave Johnson M4549 231 16/18 144/201 57:03 57:58 9:11
7231 Richard Yu M2529 232 30/42 145/201 57:17 57:58 9:14

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