Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

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7219 Stacy Wepking F3034 161 9/43 52/246 54:28 54:36 8:46
7033 Elizabeth Charipar F2529 162 19/66 53/246 54:37 54:44 8:48
7131 Kelly MacKin F2024 163 10/35 54/246 54:37 54:44 8:48
7280 Michael Norton M4044 164 9/21 110/201 54:14 54:48 8:44
7407 Benjamin Kitslaar M2529 165 22/42 111/201 54:40 54:49 8:48
7022 Amy Brown F3539 166 5/34 55/246 54:33 54:51 8:47
7102 Jill Karofsky F4044 167 5/25 56/246 54:33 54:51 8:47
7408 Kevin Kitslaar M2529 168 23/42 112/201 54:42 54:51 8:49
7253 Rachel Ebben F0119 169 4/11 57/246 54:43 54:58 8:49
7063 Todd Fortune M3034 170 17/23 113/201 54:52 55:02 8:50
7127 Mari Lower F3034 171 10/43 58/246 54:36 55:03 8:48
7284 Erika Schlichter F3034 172 11/43 59/246 54:48 55:04 8:50
7166 Leigh Pitts F2529 173 20/66 60/246 54:21 55:06 8:45
7286 Rob Schreiber M3539 174 21/41 114/201 54:35 55:10 8:48
7163 Amy Peterson Sursock F3034 175 12/43 61/246 54:39 55:10 8:48
7411 Emily Lyle F2529 176 21/66 62/246 54:45 55:17 8:49
7249 Katie Claxton F2529 177 22/66 63/246 54:56 55:23 8:51
7454 Nancy Robbins F4549 178 5/14 64/246 55:18 55:26 8:54
7522 Molly Burkhalter F0119 179 5/11 65/246 55:08 55:32 8:53
7521 Emily Kelley F0119 180 6/11 66/246 55:09 55:32 8:53
7465 Thomas Ryan M4044 181 10/21 115/201 55:12 55:39 8:53
7333 Ryan Simmons M2529 182 24/42 116/201 55:36 55:45 8:57
7196 Andrew Stoehr M3539 183 22/41 117/201 54:58 55:47 8:51
7300 Michael Connors M2529 184 25/42 118/201 55:40 55:53 8:58
7266 Megan Kreisel F2529 185 23/66 67/246 55:39 55:53 8:58
7085 Brian Hunter M2529 186 26/42 119/201 55:10 55:56 8:53
7238 Heavin Bordwell F3034 187 13/43 68/246 55:31 55:57 8:57
7497 Ronald Ruppenthal M3034 188 18/23 120/201 55:10 55:57 8:53
8036 Lois Gilmore F7099 189 1/2 69/246 55:55 56:01 9:00
7262 Lucas Hunley M2529 190 27/42 121/201 55:27 56:05 8:56
7208 Tim Turba M2024 191 10/16 122/201 56:00 56:05 9:01
7116 Victoria Kulick F2529 192 24/66 70/246 55:31 56:10 8:57
7161 Kate Perleberg F3539 193 6/34 71/246 55:50 56:13 9:00
7205 Bruce Thoms M4549 194 13/18 123/201 55:20 56:14 8:55
7012 Cale Berryman M2529 195 28/42 124/201 56:09 56:19 9:03
7451 Ryan Martin M5559 196 4/6 125/201 55:57 56:21 9:01
7490 Sara Steele F2529 197 25/66 72/246 55:48 56:23 8:59
7078 Lori Guttormsen F3034 198 14/43 73/246 56:19 56:26 9:04
7071 Steve Gordon M6064 199 2/4 126/201 55:50 56:30 9:00
7446 Matthew Houser M3539 200 23/41 127/201 55:45 56:31 8:59

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