NorthShore Inline Marathon - 2008

Open Class - Marathon


September 13, 2008 in Duluth, MN

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Open Class - Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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8142 Jennifer Kellogg F1824 2154 138/156 831/934 2:34:23 5:54
7179 Michelle Engebretsen F3034 2155 94/102 832/934 2:34:34 5:54
9040 Heidi Harmala F1824 2156 139/156 833/934 2:34:37 5:54
8007 Paul Prentiss M3539 2157 139/140 1324/1355 2:34:56 5:55
8054 Susan Hunt F5054 2158 65/75 834/934 2:35:00 5:55
7105 Elizabeth Burton F5054 2159 66/75 835/934 2:35:05 5:55
7106 Douglas Burton M5054 2160 205/213 1325/1355 2:35:07 5:55
7190 Kathleen Beutel F5559 2161 25/27 836/934 2:35:29 5:56
9021 Kelly Martin F1824 2162 140/156 837/934 2:35:30 5:56
9036 Marie Holm F1824 2163 141/156 838/934 2:35:30 5:56
6136 Katrina Loy F2529 2164 128/150 839/934 2:35:36 5:57
6010 Rick Stank M3539 2165 140/140 1326/1355 2:35:50 5:57
7041 Allen Dahl M5054 2166 206/213 1327/1355 2:35:50 5:57
7020 Jennifer Moesenthin F2529 2167 129/150 840/934 2:35:51 5:57
5168 James Larson M5559 2168 144/147 1328/1355 2:35:53 5:57
4236 Mike Oliverius M5054 2169 207/213 1329/1355 2:35:54 5:57
7031 Lavana Fox F4044 2170 120/129 841/934 2:36:07 5:58
5112 Susan Schultz F5559 2171 26/27 842/934 2:36:22 5:58
6145 Myranda Prentiss F1517 2172 26/26 843/934 2:36:36 5:59
9080 Nikki Royer F1824 2173 142/156 844/934 2:36:51 5:59
8038 Adam Kramschuster M3034 2174 112/114 1330/1355 2:36:54 6:00
8039 Katie Karnish F1824 2175 143/156 845/934 2:36:54 6:00
9083 Nicole Bruch F1824 2176 144/156 846/934 2:37:04 6:00
7255 Jillian Deschenes F1824 2177 145/156 847/934 2:37:16 6:00
8178 Linda Thunstrom F5054 2178 67/75 848/934 2:37:46 6:02
3257 Stacy Nomeland F1824 2179 146/156 849/934 2:37:49 6:02
4148 Carl Obert M4549 2180 204/209 1331/1355 2:37:52 6:02
4172 Elizabeth Nida F3539 2181 99/110 850/934 2:37:54 6:02
7175 Thomas Clifford M6569 2182 41/41 1332/1355 2:37:54 6:02
4193 Kelly McKitterick F3034 2183 95/102 851/934 2:38:11 6:02
8114 Kimberly Bodle F3539 2184 100/110 852/934 2:38:29 6:03
6034 Armand Jourdain Sr M5054 2185 208/213 1333/1355 2:38:37 6:03
7118 Larry Doepke M5559 2186 145/147 1334/1355 2:38:53 6:04
7233 Melanie Gburek F3034 2187 96/102 853/934 2:38:55 6:04
7068 Lauri Doepke F3034 2188 97/102 854/934 2:38:55 6:04
7243 Mari Schlegel F5054 2189 68/75 855/934 2:39:05 6:05
7242 Thomas Schlegel M4549 2190 205/209 1335/1355 2:39:07 6:05
7090 Nancy Curtin F6064 2191 15/18 856/934 2:39:16 6:05
6123 Lisa Carr F4549 2192 114/121 857/934 2:39:17 6:05
6241 Julie Mainella F4044 2193 121/129 858/934 2:39:29 6:05

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