114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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9423 Desmond Pierce M3034 1524 139/299 1046/2629 54:23 8:47
569 Jordan Brogan M1619 1525 103/169 1047/2629 54:24 8:47
1008 Matthew Cornell M2529 1526 137/318 1048/2629 54:24 8:47
7922 Aynara Wulsin F3539 1527 55/252 479/2609 54:24 8:47
6430 Monica Pence F3034 1528 56/260 480/2609 54:24 8:47
2775 Carley Kline F2529 1529 71/356 481/2609 54:24 8:47
6767 James Crosset M6569 1530 20/91 1049/2629 54:25 8:47
7923 John Wulsin M3539 1531 135/287 1050/2629 54:25 8:47
3564 Angie Miller F5054 1532 23/186 482/2609 54:26 8:47
1703 Kayla Gatherwright F3034 1533 57/260 483/2609 54:26 8:47
9216 Sam Maciejewski M2529 1534 138/318 1051/2629 54:26 8:47
6069 Abigail Ford F0115 1535 39/128 484/2609 54:27 8:47
9110 Spencer Johnson M3034 1536 140/299 1052/2629 54:27 8:47
6654 Everett Weisman M0115 1537 56/140 1053/2629 54:28 8:47
8000 Rachel Heberling F4549 1538 26/211 485/2609 54:28 8:47
472 Lee Boone M2529 1539 139/318 1054/2629 54:28 8:48
2529 Nathan Jonas M2529 1540 140/318 1055/2629 54:28 8:48
4100 Frank Pike M6064 1541 34/166 1056/2629 54:30 8:48
4617 Barry Scheffel M4549 1542 67/191 1057/2629 54:30 8:48
6854 Eddie Hertsenberg M3539 1543 136/287 1058/2629 54:30 8:48
8499 Sarah Braun F2529 1544 72/356 486/2609 54:30 8:48
1932 Mackenzie Gutekunst F2024 1545 78/349 487/2609 54:30 8:48
1035 Jared Cox M2024 1546 146/284 1059/2629 54:31 8:48
1273 Sarah Dills F4044 1547 38/223 488/2609 54:31 8:48
4650 Kristi Schmitt F4044 1548 39/223 489/2609 54:31 8:48
1040 Paige Cox F2024 1549 79/349 490/2609 54:31 8:48
4538 Ryan Saint-Blancard M3034 1550 141/299 1060/2629 54:32 8:48
2547 Kevin Jones M5559 1551 43/188 1061/2629 54:32 8:48
7595 Charlie Hatch M2529 1552 141/318 1062/2629 54:32 8:48
5919 Madison Braun F3034 1553 58/260 491/2609 54:32 8:48
5813 Jennifer Yeung F4044 1554 40/223 492/2609 54:32 8:48
4655 Dan Schneider M3034 1555 142/299 1063/2629 54:33 8:48
9118 Natalie Jostworth F1619 1556 72/250 493/2609 54:33 8:48
8631 Christopher Benjamin M3539 1557 137/287 1064/2629 54:33 8:48
5920 Julie Breen F4549 1558 27/211 494/2609 54:34 8:48
8810 Porter Deckard M0115 1559 57/140 1065/2629 54:34 8:48
5324 Sara Tillotson F3034 1560 59/260 495/2609 54:34 8:49
6655 Jeff Weisman M4549 1561 68/191 1066/2629 54:35 8:49
1611 Stan Foster M5559 1562 44/188 1067/2629 54:35 8:49
385 Dericka Bielecki F4044 1563 41/223 496/2609 54:35 8:49

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