114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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10519 Jon Gast M5054 3808 152/199 2116/2620 1:13:06 11:48
3047 Kathy Lee F3034 3809 188/260 1693/2605 1:13:06 11:48
4656 Dianne Schneider F5559 3810 85/168 1694/2605 1:13:06 11:48
30 Joshua Albert M3539 3811 251/287 2117/2620 1:13:06 11:48
203 Collin Bannister M2024 3812 242/284 2118/2620 1:13:07 11:48
1306 Riley Dolan F2024 3813 255/349 1695/2605 1:13:07 11:48
2179 Caleb Henson M0115 3814 113/140 2119/2620 1:13:08 11:48
5182 C.J. Suarez M3034 3815 259/299 2120/2620 1:13:09 11:48
4148 Megan Posge F3034 3816 189/260 1696/2605 1:13:10 11:48
4149 Nina Posge F2529 3817 256/356 1697/2605 1:13:10 11:49
4147 Katherine Posge F3034 3818 190/260 1698/2605 1:13:10 11:49
7775 Donna Reid F5559 3819 86/168 1699/2605 1:13:13 11:49
8623 Harris Beckmeyer M2024 3820 243/284 2121/2620 1:13:13 11:49
64 Eric Anderson M6064 3821 103/162 2122/2620 1:13:14 11:49
8710 Katie Burton F2024 3822 256/349 1700/2605 1:13:14 11:49
9922 Emma Stewart F0115 3823 90/128 1701/2605 1:13:17 11:50
9511 Ann Ryan F5054 3824 97/186 1702/2605 1:13:19 11:50
2221 Gary Hess M5559 3825 134/188 2123/2620 1:13:19 11:50
2220 David Hess M6064 3826 104/162 2124/2620 1:13:20 11:50
8543 Maddie Clark-Meier F0115 3827 91/128 1703/2605 1:13:20 11:50
8542 Ryan Meier M3034 3828 260/299 2125/2620 1:13:20 11:50
8188 Abby Samuelson F2529 3829 257/356 1704/2605 1:13:21 11:50
8560 Heidi Allen F4549 3830 128/211 1705/2605 1:13:23 11:51
1706 Craig Gauden M3034 3831 261/299 2126/2620 1:13:24 11:51
1665 Stephanie Fuhr F3539 3832 179/252 1706/2605 1:13:25 11:51
7557 Danielle Gauden F3034 3833 191/260 1707/2605 1:13:25 11:51
7123 Elizabeth Clayton F4044 3834 151/223 1708/2605 1:13:25 11:51
10179 Celia Dewhurst F2529 3835 258/356 1709/2605 1:13:25 11:51
4262 Marissa Reed F3539 3836 180/252 1710/2605 1:13:25 11:51
10689 Brett Clayton M4044 3837 203/224 2127/2620 1:13:25 11:51
1480 Kate Farr F2529 3838 259/356 1711/2605 1:13:26 11:51
2629 Michael Keefe M4044 3839 204/224 2128/2620 1:13:27 11:51
8331 Victoria Vanfossen F2024 3840 257/349 1712/2605 1:13:27 11:51
2628 Eleanor Keefe F0115 3841 92/128 1713/2605 1:13:28 11:51
4507 Jessica Rybolt F4044 3842 152/223 1714/2605 1:13:29 11:52
2829 Dave Kohus M5559 3843 135/188 2129/2620 1:13:30 11:52
5221 Julia Tacy F2529 3844 260/356 1715/2605 1:13:30 11:52
7961 Bill Morand M6569 3845 49/91 2130/2620 1:13:30 11:52
173 Scarlett Baker F2529 3846 261/356 1716/2605 1:13:33 11:52
4999 Ted Speers M6064 3847 105/162 2131/2620 1:13:33 11:52

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