114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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10441 Hallie Fauerbach F2024 3050 196/349 1259/2605 1:04:22 10:23
8476 Brendan Buten M2529 3051 238/318 1792/2620 1:04:23 10:23
10418 Benyamin Williams M4044 3052 173/224 1793/2620 1:04:23 10:24
9111 Anna Joly F1619 3053 172/250 1260/2605 1:04:23 10:24
576 Seth Brooks M3034 3054 226/299 1794/2620 1:04:24 10:24
10668 Sharon Hirschowitz F5054 3055 62/186 1261/2605 1:04:27 10:24
10457 Victor Wagner M2529 3056 239/318 1795/2620 1:04:28 10:24
1233 Samantha Dews F2529 3057 189/356 1262/2605 1:04:28 10:24
1821 Dina Gomaa F4549 3058 87/211 1263/2605 1:04:29 10:24
10055 Kaylob Sales M1619 3059 138/169 1796/2620 1:04:30 10:25
10056 Lydia Haubner F1619 3060 173/250 1264/2605 1:04:30 10:25
3382 Carson McAtee F2024 3061 197/349 1265/2605 1:04:30 10:25
7670 Lauren Latessa F3539 3062 135/252 1266/2605 1:04:31 10:25
1930 Jessica Gurren F2024 3063 198/349 1267/2605 1:04:31 10:25
3570 Daniel Miller M2529 3064 240/318 1797/2620 1:04:32 10:25
5077 Caroline Steinmetz F2529 3065 190/356 1268/2605 1:04:32 10:25
8126 Lanny Tran M5054 3066 125/199 1798/2620 1:04:34 10:25
534 Guido Bresolin M6064 3067 78/162 1799/2620 1:04:35 10:25
10159 Derek Cunningham M3034 3068 227/299 1800/2620 1:04:36 10:26
9305 David Millay M3034 3069 228/299 1801/2620 1:04:36 10:26
9371 Hans Nienaber M6064 3070 79/162 1802/2620 1:04:36 10:26
9306 Jenna Millay F2529 3071 191/356 1269/2605 1:04:37 10:26
3152 Will Loichinger M4549 3072 136/191 1803/2620 1:04:37 10:26
9645 Steve Snoke M6064 3073 80/162 1804/2620 1:04:37 10:26
877 Jackson Cieslik M0115 3074 99/140 1805/2620 1:04:38 10:26
8196 John Desmond M5054 3075 126/199 1806/2620 1:04:38 10:26
4520 Megan Saelinger F2529 3076 192/356 1270/2605 1:04:38 10:26
3435 Mitch McGreal M2024 3077 225/284 1807/2620 1:04:38 10:26
6348 Matthew McNicholas M4044 3078 174/224 1808/2620 1:04:39 10:26
6845 Jennifer Hamilton F4044 3079 111/223 1271/2605 1:04:39 10:26
9896 Melissa Goldschmidt F4549 3080 88/211 1272/2605 1:04:40 10:26
2237 Cheryl Higham F5054 3081 63/186 1273/2605 1:04:40 10:26
3116 Wesley Limle M1619 3082 139/169 1809/2620 1:04:41 10:26
8256 Cody Morris M3034 3083 229/299 1810/2620 1:04:41 10:26
379 Denise Bezold F4549 3084 89/211 1274/2605 1:04:41 10:26
263 Jenna Baumgartner F6064 3085 32/121 1275/2605 1:04:42 10:26
2460 Anna Jacobsen F2529 3086 193/356 1276/2605 1:04:42 10:27
5106 Samuel Stevens M2529 3087 241/318 1811/2620 1:04:43 10:27
2591 Karen Kampschmidt F4549 3088 90/211 1277/2605 1:04:44 10:27
6665 Alex Wendling M2529 3089 242/318 1812/2620 1:04:44 10:27

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