114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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9815 Natasha Wijesooriya F4044 1956 57/223 672/2609 56:48 9:10
358 Aaron Berger M2529 1957 161/318 1285/2629 56:48 9:10
4579 Meghan Savercool F3034 1958 75/260 673/2609 56:48 9:10
3053 Corinne Lehmann F5559 1959 21/168 674/2609 56:48 9:10
1743 Nathaniel Gerstle M3539 1960 156/287 1286/2629 56:49 9:10
7096 Brody Benson M0115 1961 71/140 1287/2629 56:50 9:10
2359 Emily House F2529 1962 103/356 675/2609 56:50 9:10
4831 Maddie Sheridan F2529 1963 104/356 676/2609 56:50 9:10
547 Biz Brink F3034 1964 76/260 677/2609 56:50 9:10
7552 Rosemary Galvin F0115 1965 47/128 678/2609 56:52 9:11
1852 William Goslee M6064 1966 47/166 1288/2629 56:52 9:11
10680 Matthew Lester M3034 1967 175/299 1289/2629 56:52 9:11
820 Jacey Cauhorn F2529 1968 105/356 679/2609 56:52 9:11
6960 Janelle Paynter F5054 1969 34/186 680/2609 56:52 9:11
8655 Bryan Bohl M2529 1970 162/318 1290/2629 56:53 9:11
597 Rosalyn Brown F0115 1971 48/128 681/2609 56:53 9:11
2358 Sydney Houlihan F0115 1972 49/128 682/2609 56:53 9:11
6939 Brad Metz M4549 1973 91/191 1291/2629 56:53 9:11
395 Harrison Bingham M3539 1974 157/287 1292/2629 56:54 9:11
7566 Cassandra Ginn F3539 1975 76/252 683/2609 56:54 9:11
9648 Roxanne Sorensen F1619 1976 93/250 684/2609 56:54 9:11
6355 John Menninger M4044 1977 129/228 1293/2629 56:54 9:11
8377 Sara Gertz F3034 1978 77/260 685/2609 56:54 9:11
3052 Jeff Lehman M7074 1979 2/41 1294/2629 56:55 9:11
6625 Carly Varland F2529 1980 106/356 686/2609 56:55 9:11
10086 Beryl Love M5559 1981 63/188 1295/2629 56:55 9:11
6648 Drew Wayman M2529 1982 163/318 1296/2629 56:55 9:11
347 Sara Benson F4549 1983 42/211 687/2609 56:56 9:11
9764 Emma Voelkerding F1619 1984 94/250 688/2609 56:56 9:11
781 Suzanne Carney F6064 1985 20/124 689/2609 56:57 9:12
10146 Sarah Mildenstein F3034 1986 78/260 690/2609 56:57 9:12
9762 Anna Voelkerding F2024 1987 108/349 691/2609 56:57 9:12
4800 Ashley Sharp F2529 1988 107/356 692/2609 56:58 9:12
4401 Natalie Roettker F1619 1989 95/250 693/2609 56:58 9:12
7564 Grace Gillock F1619 1990 96/250 694/2609 56:59 9:12
8958 Angelika Georgostathis F2024 1991 109/349 695/2609 56:59 9:12
6666 Emily Wendling F2529 1992 108/356 696/2609 57:01 9:12
8821 Kate Desmond F4044 1993 58/223 697/2609 57:01 9:12
6471 Samuel Renggli M2024 1994 175/284 1297/2629 57:01 9:12
6190 Amy Hovermale F5559 1995 22/168 698/2609 57:02 9:12

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