4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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displaying: 1 - 39 of 39
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3876 Vincent Nickols M4049 14 1/39 14/201 25:07 6:17
3671 Lance Risi M4049 16 2/39 15/201 25:37 6:25
3921 Steve Slotter M4049 17 3/39 16/201 25:53 6:29
3618 Richard Williams M4049 20 4/39 19/201 26:27 6:37
3564 David Kocourek M4049 42 5/39 38/201 29:16 7:19
3657 Bruce Tully M4049 43 6/39 39/201 29:21 7:21
3750 Gregory Chavez M4049 46 7/39 41/201 29:38 7:25
3938 Matthew Vuletich M4049 50 8/39 44/201 29:45 7:27
6608 Mark Denunzio M4049 69 9/39 56/201 30:51 7:43
3636 Mark Griebling M4049 75 10/39 62/201 31:27 7:52
3739 Alex Brown M4049 78 11/39 63/201 31:35 7:54
6757 James Cacari M4049 95 12/39 75/201 33:24 8:21
3653 Brett Stevens M4049 107 13/39 81/201 34:02 8:31
6602 Steve Barry M4049 114 14/39 85/201 34:34 8:39
3894 Mark Potter M4049 116 15/39 86/201 34:37 8:40
3970 Bill Kurz M4049 124 16/39 89/201 35:04 8:46
3734 Clinton Biggs M4049 133 17/39 94/201 35:48 8:57
3736 David Boush M4049 142 18/39 100/201 36:03 9:01
3968 Jose Johnson M4049 151 19/39 106/201 36:23 9:06
3672 Billy Desmond M4049 163 20/39 111/201 36:41 9:11
3673 Robert Page M4049 165 21/39 112/201 36:42 9:11
6743 Stephen Covieo M4049 193 22/39 118/201 38:11 9:33
3511 Rob Schlenker M4049 195 23/39 120/201 38:13 9:34
3645 Woldey Assefa M4049 198 24/39 122/201 38:15 9:34
3845 Trey Leins M4049 200 25/39 123/201 38:22 9:36
3533 Randy Ohlson M4049 202 26/39 125/201 38:29 9:38
3542 Richard Buethe M4049 215 27/39 129/201 39:11 9:48
3703 Patrick Hayes M4049 216 28/39 130/201 39:13 9:49
3870 Daniel Morley M4049 221 29/39 132/201 39:21 9:51
3728 Chris Bergefund M4049 227 30/39 134/201 39:41 9:56
6741 Rich Henderson M4049 229 31/39 135/201 39:50 9:58
3679 Robert Jones M4049 262 32/39 145/201 41:38 10:25
3933 Larry Turner M4049 298 33/39 153/201 43:33 10:54
3715 Allan Greene M4049 316 34/39 158/201 45:04 11:16
6615 Bj Kellogg M4049 355 35/39 170/201 48:44 12:11
3916 David Shaw M4049 358 36/39 171/201 48:48 12:12
3800 David Hart M4049 371 37/39 175/201 50:29 12:38
6776 John Sullivan M4049 385 38/39 179/201 52:31 13:08
6725 David Jared M4049 422 39/39 192/201 1:02:38 15:40

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