Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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161 Stephen Walk M3539 635 29/46 330/508 31:10 30:59 9:59
91 Chris Fowler M3539 636 30/46 331/508 31:32 31:00 9:59
1128 Denise Fowler F3539 637 37/95 306/777 31:33 31:00 9:59
302 Bryan Pottebaum M1934 638 114/153 332/508 31:42 31:01 9:59
1610 Maggie Dahl F0112 639 29/54 307/777 31:32 31:02 10:00
1414 Mary Posch F1934 640 112/292 308/777 31:41 31:03 10:00
1152 Peggy Sevre F3539 641 38/95 309/777 31:28 31:04 10:00
1141 Debbie Bemboom F3539 642 39/95 310/777 31:41 31:04 10:00
1473 Kathleen Neumeister F4549 643 25/64 311/777 31:41 31:04 10:00
1573 Janet Kohl F4549 644 26/64 312/777 31:10 31:04 10:00
1622 Beckie Schuller F4044 645 17/59 313/777 31:30 31:09 10:02
1434 Kris Jensen F4044 646 18/59 314/777 31:33 31:09 10:02
74 Jay Szymczak M3539 647 31/46 333/508 31:19 31:09 10:02
1596 Elizabeth Ludwig F1934 648 113/292 315/777 32:02 31:10 10:02
1057 Christine Roeske-Mcmillen F4549 649 27/64 316/777 32:07 31:11 10:02
596 Bruce Toland M4044 650 33/43 334/508 31:56 31:12 10:03
602 Thomas Toland M4549 651 24/39 335/508 31:56 31:14 10:03
370 Anthony Pierce M1934 652 115/153 336/508 31:20 31:14 10:04
1684 Abby Dimke F0112 653 30/54 317/777 32:04 31:14 10:04
414 Ricardo Peterson M1934 654 116/153 337/508 32:02 31:15 10:04
1079 Lisa Mason F4549 655 28/64 318/777 31:37 31:15 10:04
1791 Mary Knutson F4044 656 19/59 319/777 31:39 31:15 10:04
1053 Sara Ploetz F1934 657 114/292 320/777 31:37 31:16 10:04
538 Mark Knutson M0112 658 27/43 338/508 31:39 31:16 10:04
1470 Diane Morin F4044 659 20/59 321/777 31:57 31:18 10:05
241 Charles Andresen M6569 660 4/20 339/508 31:24 31:19 10:05
1217 Nicole Selner F1934 661 115/292 322/777 31:37 31:20 10:05
1814 Caryl Lester F4044 662 21/59 323/777 31:44 31:20 10:05
87 Randy Demars M4549 663 25/39 340/508 31:48 31:21 10:06
1715 Autumn Sather F1318 664 55/81 324/777 31:26 31:21 10:06
1876 Jaime Liljegren F1934 665 116/292 325/777 32:03 31:22 10:06
1915 Brynn Milburn F0112 666 31/54 326/777 32:00 31:24 10:07
578 Kerry Smith M4044 667 34/43 341/508 32:06 31:25 10:07
1763 Hannah Steele F1318 668 56/81 327/777 31:40 31:26 10:07
195 Robert Palmquist M5054 669 18/35 342/508 31:43 31:28 10:08
1253 Susan Smolich F1934 670 117/292 328/777 31:55 31:28 10:08
1087 Michelle Lanman F4549 671 29/64 329/777 31:46 31:30 10:09
33 Mark Kincade M5054 672 19/35 343/508 31:46 31:30 10:09
1104 Makensie Kincade F1318 673 57/81 330/777 31:46 31:31 10:09
435 Wayne Heaser M3539 674 32/46 344/508 31:59 31:31 10:09

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