Steamboat Classic



June 16, 2007 in Peoria, IL

15-Kilometer - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

169 Adrian Campbell M3539 32 2/35 32/390 57:46 6:13 19:10 22:01 35:49 57:49 6:13
467 Seth Schultz M0118 33 5/33 33/390 57:49 6:14 19:20 22:11 35:40 57:50 6:13
52 Doug Richards M2529 34 8/35 34/390 57:58 6:15 18:59 21:45 36:15 58:00 6:14
610 Lorne Mills M3539 35 3/35 35/390 58:02 6:16 19:31 22:24 35:46 58:10 6:15
629 Michael Bloemker M3539 36 4/35 36/390 58:12 6:16 19:23 22:14 36:00 58:14 6:16
546 Paul Weiss M3034 37 6/29 37/390 58:59 6:22 20:16 23:09 35:58 59:06 6:21
181 Mike Cinker M4044 38 4/42 38/390 59:03 6:22 19:27 22:24 36:43 59:07 6:21
535 Douglas Vrchota M0118 39 6/33 39/390 59:08 6:22 19:28 22:21 36:50 59:11 6:22
228 Brian Fort M2529 40 9/35 40/390 59:19 6:24 20:02 22:57 36:27 59:24 6:23
270 Bradley Henz M3034 41 7/29 41/390 59:26 6:24 19:05 22:01 37:29 59:29 6:24
122 Jonathan Bangert M0118 42 7/33 42/390 59:35 6:25 37:25 23:11 36:30 59:40 6:25
180 Doug Cichon M1924 43 11/33 43/390 59:44 6:26 20:49 23:50 36:01 59:50 6:26
536 James Vrchota M4044 44 5/42 44/390 59:48 6:27 20:18 23:12 36:39 59:51 6:26
550 Mike Wendel M4044 45 6/42 45/390 59:50 6:27 20:21 23:17 36:37 59:54 6:26
720 Ian White M1924 46 12/33 46/390 59:55 6:27 19:26 22:38 37:18 59:56 6:27
260 Chris Watson M3539 47 5/35 47/390 59:57 6:28 19:55 22:47 37:16 1:00:03 6:27
110 Clark Anderson M3539 48 6/35 48/390 1:00:14 6:29 19:59 22:59 37:16 1:00:15 6:29
386 Abigail Nelkie F1924 49 1/28 1/201 1:00:14 6:29 19:55 22:54 37:23 1:00:17 6:29
392 Doug Newton M5559 50 1/30 49/390 1:00:21 6:30 19:57 22:55 37:28 1:00:22 6:30
36 Ryan Case M2529 51 10/35 50/390 1:00:21 6:30 19:44 22:45 37:38 1:00:23 6:30
113 Patrick Arnold M3539 52 7/35 51/390 1:00:18 6:30 19:53 22:56 37:29 1:00:24 6:30
138 Matthew Birkel M0118 53 8/33 52/390 1:00:31 6:31 20:14 23:19 37:18 1:00:36 6:31
542 John Watson M5054 54 1/44 53/390 1:01:06 6:35 20:52 23:49 37:21 1:01:10 6:35
216 Matthew Eckberg M3034 55 8/29 54/390 1:01:51 6:40 20:49 23:51 38:05 1:01:55 6:39
689 Eric Moos M2529 56 11/35 55/390 1:01:54 6:40 20:58 24:02 37:58 1:01:59 6:40
741 Cory Shoopman M0118 57 9/33 56/390 1:01:48 6:41 22:26 25:30 36:33 1:02:03 6:39
224 Rob Fennell M4044 58 7/42 57/390 1:01:59 6:41 20:36 23:43 38:22 1:02:04 6:40
63 Chris Wilhite Sr M4549 59 2/37 58/390 1:02:02 6:41 20:43 23:46 38:19 1:02:05 6:41
191 Dan Covey M1924 60 13/33 59/390 1:01:55 6:42 21:19 24:24 37:53 1:02:17 6:40
328 Dan Knapp M0118 61 10/33 60/390 1:02:15 6:43 20:36 23:31 38:52 1:02:22 6:42
124 James Bartelme M3539 62 8/35 61/390 1:02:33 6:45 20:50 23:58 38:41 1:02:38 6:44
355 John Malson M5559 63 2/30 62/390 1:02:48 6:46 21:48 24:52 37:58 1:02:50 6:46
698 Patrick Scott M1924 64 14/33 63/390 1:02:54 6:47 21:16 24:23 38:35 1:02:57 6:46
127 Steven Bastean M3539 65 9/35 64/390 1:02:54 6:47 20:38 23:44 39:17 1:03:00 6:46
133 Carl Benton M4044 66 8/42 65/390 1:03:02 6:48 20:49 23:54 39:12 1:03:06 6:47
35 Merlin Anderson M6064 67 1/10 66/390 1:03:27 6:50 - - - 1:03:27 6:50
351 Kyle Lueken M0118 68 11/33 67/390 1:03:32 6:51 20:49 23:54 39:41 1:03:34 6:50
30 Carrie Moffett F1924 69 2/28 2/201 1:03:35 6:51 20:49 23:58 39:44 1:03:41 6:51
400 Stephen Oliver M3539 70 10/35 68/390 1:03:40 6:51 20:03 23:12 40:31 1:03:42 6:51
562 Robert Willoughby M4044 71 9/42 69/390 1:03:49 6:53 22:19 25:29 38:25 1:03:53 6:52

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