114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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1201 John Denicola M3539 291 35/287 246/2629 42:57 6:56
81 Brevin Andreadis M2024 292 37/284 247/2629 42:57 6:56
1215 Shivani Desai F2529 293 9/356 46/2609 42:57 6:56
9392 Holden Owens M2024 294 38/284 248/2629 43:01 6:57
7087 Ron Auer M3539 295 36/287 249/2629 43:01 6:57
2481 Kevin Jayson M4044 296 27/228 250/2629 43:02 6:57
818 Charles Catalano M5054 297 10/200 251/2629 43:04 6:57
2729 Brandon Kingman M3539 298 37/287 252/2629 43:05 6:57
775 Daniel Cappola M3034 299 34/299 253/2629 43:07 6:58
7354 Joey Zeinner M4044 300 28/228 254/2629 43:11 6:58
9153 Josh Krivisky M3539 301 38/287 255/2629 43:12 6:58
7355 Will Zeinner M0115 302 15/140 256/2629 43:12 6:58
330 Nicholas Bellman M3034 303 35/299 257/2629 43:16 6:59
6600 Gus Thieken M2529 304 40/318 258/2629 43:16 6:59
7780 Adam Rich M0115 305 16/140 259/2629 43:19 7:00
6481 Thomas Ristau M1619 306 41/169 260/2629 43:19 7:00
2078 Joey Haselmayer M3034 307 36/299 261/2629 43:22 7:00
4129 Elena Polivka F2529 308 10/356 47/2609 43:22 7:00
7171 Ethan Hatfield M1619 309 42/169 262/2629 43:23 7:00
6037 Max Ernst M2529 310 41/318 263/2629 43:27 7:01
1197 Kris Demoss M4044 311 29/228 264/2629 43:28 7:01
10427 Christopher Moll M2024 312 39/284 265/2629 43:30 7:01
8877 Addison Grace Edmondson F0115 313 1/128 48/2609 43:33 7:02
3511 Thomas Menard M6569 314 1/91 266/2629 43:33 7:02
5925 Joseph Bricker M2529 315 42/318 267/2629 43:34 7:02
10221 Jack Dunsford M2024 316 40/284 268/2629 43:34 7:02
6332 Jane Mays F5054 317 1/186 49/2609 43:36 7:02
8168 Darius Sabaliunas M5054 318 11/200 269/2629 43:37 7:02
2833 Patrick Kollman M2529 319 43/318 270/2629 43:38 7:03
1446 Jonathan Ericksen M2529 320 44/318 271/2629 43:39 7:03
3637 Alex Molen M2529 321 45/318 272/2629 43:39 7:03
3733 Carolyn Murray F4044 322 4/223 50/2609 43:43 7:04
9769 Madison Walker F2024 323 10/349 51/2609 43:45 7:04
9771 Morgan Walsh F2024 324 11/349 52/2609 43:45 7:04
2578 Kory Kaiser M2024 325 41/284 273/2629 43:45 7:04
9289 Matteo Meli M0115 326 17/140 274/2629 43:45 7:04
7767 Jason Pulskamp M4044 327 30/228 275/2629 43:46 7:04
6103 Brandon Godzik M4044 328 31/228 276/2629 43:47 7:04
807 Cam Carver M5559 329 3/188 277/2629 43:50 7:05
4394 Justin Rodriguez M3034 330 37/299 278/2629 43:51 7:05

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