114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1811 John Goetz M4044 1201 87/224 859/2620 52:29 8:28
7438 Jonathan Burlew M2024 1202 127/284 860/2620 52:29 8:28
6270 Eli Lambert M4044 1203 88/224 861/2620 52:29 8:28
2946 Bryant Kuhlman M2529 1204 116/318 862/2620 52:30 8:29
254 Melanie Bates F7074 1205 2/38 343/2605 52:30 8:29
4868 Camryn Simonson F1619 1206 52/250 344/2605 52:31 8:29
2158 Chris Helling M5054 1207 52/199 863/2620 52:31 8:29
6149 Grace Harris F2024 1208 60/349 345/2605 52:32 8:29
7409 Cathy Bethea F5054 1209 15/186 346/2605 52:34 8:29
5591 Grace Weisenbach F2024 1210 61/349 347/2605 52:34 8:29
3807 Maggie Nestheide F3539 1211 36/252 348/2605 52:35 8:29
2490 Caroline Jennings F1619 1212 53/250 349/2605 52:35 8:29
5220 Ryan Szwejbka M3034 1213 117/299 864/2620 52:35 8:29
5596 Barrett Weissman M0115 1214 45/140 865/2620 52:36 8:29
423 Michael Blain M3034 1215 118/299 866/2620 52:36 8:29
9024 John Harper M3539 1216 115/287 867/2620 52:37 8:30
3624 Nate Moehring M2024 1217 128/284 868/2620 52:37 8:30
8531 Abby Sewell F1619 1218 54/250 350/2605 52:37 8:30
7022 Jackson Spurling M0115 1219 46/140 869/2620 52:37 8:30
1819 Facu Golinsky M3034 1220 119/299 870/2620 52:37 8:30
1229 Matt Devine M3034 1221 120/299 871/2620 52:37 8:30
5593 Scott Weisenbach M6064 1222 25/162 872/2620 52:38 8:30
3642 Timothy Molony M5054 1223 53/199 873/2620 52:38 8:30
5054 Mary Stebbins F5559 1224 9/168 351/2605 52:38 8:30
260 Gail Baumann F7074 1225 3/38 352/2605 52:39 8:30
517 Tanvi Brar F2024 1226 62/349 353/2605 52:39 8:30
3526 Danny Meyer M3034 1227 121/299 874/2620 52:39 8:30
8721 Jake Caldwell M2024 1228 129/284 875/2620 52:41 8:30
3463 Dan McManus M5559 1229 31/188 876/2620 52:42 8:30
4397 Owen Roeder M1619 1230 86/169 877/2620 52:42 8:30
2500 Christopher Johnson M4044 1231 89/224 878/2620 52:43 8:31
5563 John Weber M4549 1232 52/191 879/2620 52:44 8:31
5592 Luke Weisenbach M2529 1233 117/318 880/2620 52:44 8:31
6501 Madeline Schaljo F2529 1234 56/356 354/2605 52:45 8:31
8961 Charli Gerrein F1619 1235 55/250 355/2605 52:45 8:31
5522 Kim Walko F4044 1236 27/223 356/2605 52:45 8:31
6440 Clare Plamondon F2529 1237 57/356 357/2605 52:45 8:31
1208 Dora Denson F4549 1238 16/211 358/2605 52:46 8:31
4710 Megan Schultz F3539 1239 37/252 359/2605 52:46 8:31
10707 Peter Johann M2529 1240 118/318 881/2620 52:47 8:31

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