2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 37 of 37
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1071 Amber Johnson F3039 657 134/143 363/389 2:49:22 2:48:51 12:53
993 Nowel Gregory M6069 658 8/9 295/304 2:50:57 2:50:08 12:59
821 Renae Capps F3039 659 135/143 364/389 2:52:14 2:51:15 13:04
1394 Amanda Snodgrass F4049 660 65/72 365/389 2:53:54 2:53:28 13:14
1036 Elisa Hillman F3039 661 136/143 366/389 2:53:51 2:53:44 13:16
775 Nate Benes M2029 662 62/64 296/304 2:54:55 2:54:03 13:17
1417 Jennifer Stoural F3039 663 137/143 367/389 2:56:41 2:55:52 13:25
1002 Sasha Haarberg F2029 664 133/136 368/389 2:57:04 2:56:37 13:29
1022 Gretchen Hauser F2029 665 134/136 369/389 3:00:01 2:59:08 13:40
1409 Larry Stauffer M5059 666 37/37 297/304 3:00:24 2:59:35 13:42
1351 Tammy Rookstool F4049 667 66/72 370/389 3:02:44 3:01:52 13:53
1465 Jennifer E Wartella F4049 668 67/72 371/389 3:02:30 3:01:59 13:53
1331 Nancy Renman F5059 669 19/21 372/389 3:06:50 3:06:01 14:12
1292 Kimberly Pearce F4049 670 68/72 373/389 3:07:02 3:06:20 14:13
1302 Sarah Pickinpaugh F3039 671 138/143 374/389 3:07:19 3:06:24 14:14
1477 Rachel Whitehead F3039 672 139/143 375/389 3:06:53 3:06:39 14:15
887 Beth Dohn F4049 673 69/72 376/389 3:06:53 3:06:40 14:15
1367 Becky Schiferl F2029 674 135/136 377/389 3:09:30 3:08:51 14:25
901 Siobhan Duffy F2029 675 136/136 378/389 3:10:57 3:10:09 14:31
1142 Brian Larson M2029 676 63/64 298/304 3:10:58 3:10:10 14:31
1376 Kris Severe F3039 677 140/143 379/389 3:10:47 3:10:19 14:32
1116 Kirk Koop M3039 678 103/104 299/304 3:11:30 3:10:43 14:33
1117 Tara Koop F3039 679 141/143 380/389 3:11:30 3:10:43 14:33
1402 Robert Sowel M4049 680 72/73 300/304 3:11:56 3:11:02 14:35
1170 Ann Lott F6069 681 5/6 381/389 3:13:51 3:12:57 14:44
1189 Karyn Maxey F6069 682 6/6 382/389 3:13:51 3:12:58 14:44
1490 Erica Wright F3039 683 142/143 383/389 3:13:44 3:12:58 14:44
841 Parks Coble M6069 684 9/9 301/304 3:13:51 3:12:58 14:44
1301 Darla Pfeifer F4049 685 70/72 384/389 3:25:17 3:24:23 15:36
1257 Diana Nepple F5059 686 20/21 385/389 3:25:29 3:24:44 15:37
1475 Kathy White F3039 687 143/143 386/389 3:26:24 3:25:32 15:41
1141 Mary Lariviere F4049 688 71/72 387/389 3:26:24 3:25:33 15:41
1058 Joe Ikemire M4049 689 73/73 302/304 3:53:18 3:52:22 17:44
1443 Sharon Tippery F4049 690 72/72 388/389 3:53:18 3:52:30 17:45
1120 Kathy Kovac F5059 691 21/21 389/389 3:53:18 3:53:18 17:48
920 Brad Erxleben M2029 692 64/64 303/304 4:15:31 4:14:41 19:26
1356 Marcus Rowe M3039 693 104/104 304/304 4:15:31 4:14:42 19:26

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