114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3143 Abby Lockard F1619 3438 190/250 1461/2609 1:07:53 10:57
1092 Nathan Cullen M2024 3439 235/284 1978/2629 1:07:53 10:57
3911 Brendan Oconnor M4044 3440 197/228 1979/2629 1:07:54 10:57
8604 Trevor Ball M3539 3441 232/287 1980/2629 1:07:54 10:58
4509 Madison Rylee F2529 3442 218/356 1462/2609 1:07:55 10:58
4051 Bill Pelgen M6064 3443 96/166 1981/2629 1:07:55 10:58
6803 Andrew Fischer M2529 3444 254/318 1982/2629 1:07:55 10:58
4666 Deke Schnell M7074 3445 13/41 1983/2629 1:07:56 10:58
9036 Robert Haug M4549 3446 153/191 1984/2629 1:07:56 10:58
2564 Samuel Jordan-Keller M2529 3447 255/318 1985/2629 1:07:58 10:58
4253 Casey Reckman F4044 3448 130/223 1463/2609 1:07:58 10:58
1728 Isabella Geraci F2024 3449 216/349 1464/2609 1:07:58 10:58
4512 Steve Sabers M5054 3450 138/200 1986/2629 1:07:59 10:58
3144 Dave Lockard M6064 3451 97/166 1987/2629 1:07:59 10:58
4387 Maria Rockett F2529 3452 219/356 1465/2609 1:07:59 10:58
1057 Bartholomew Craver M3539 3453 233/287 1988/2629 1:07:59 10:58
4386 David Rockett M6064 3454 98/166 1989/2629 1:07:59 10:58
6220 Elena Jordan-Keller F2529 3455 220/356 1466/2609 1:08:00 10:58
1059 Dillon Craver M0115 3456 106/140 1990/2629 1:08:00 10:58
2581 Tara Kaiser F5559 3457 70/168 1467/2609 1:08:00 10:59
1522 Gabrielle Fenton F1619 3458 191/250 1468/2609 1:08:00 10:59
7966 Casey McCann M4549 3459 154/191 1991/2629 1:08:01 10:59
7773 Lawrence Rawe M7074 3460 14/41 1992/2629 1:08:04 10:59
7461 Michelle Comarata F5559 3461 71/168 1469/2609 1:08:04 10:59
7235 Katherine Melink F2529 3462 221/356 1470/2609 1:08:05 10:59
3059 Dillon Leisure M2529 3463 256/318 1993/2629 1:08:06 10:59
4368 Cathy Robillard F6064 3464 43/124 1471/2609 1:08:07 11:00
9198 Sophie Loesch F2024 3465 217/349 1472/2609 1:08:08 11:00
3110 Michael Lilley M3539 3466 234/287 1994/2629 1:08:08 11:00
4157 Emily Powell F3539 3467 162/252 1473/2609 1:08:08 11:00
9404 Bernadette Peck F1619 3468 192/250 1474/2609 1:08:08 11:00
8879 Laurie Eggemeier F4044 3469 131/223 1475/2609 1:08:10 11:00
7233 Pat McHugh M5559 3470 123/188 1995/2629 1:08:10 11:00
6878 Greg Johnston M4044 3471 198/228 1996/2629 1:08:12 11:00
3274 Tara Z Manicsic F3539 3472 163/252 1476/2609 1:08:12 11:00
2559 Makenna Jordahl F2024 3473 218/349 1477/2609 1:08:12 11:00
5877 Sandy Assum F6569 3474 9/48 1478/2609 1:08:13 11:01
6095 Debbie Gliatti F5054 3475 74/186 1479/2609 1:08:13 11:01
5876 Sam Assum M3034 3476 251/299 1997/2629 1:08:13 11:01
7940 Bob Manning M6569 3477 41/91 1998/2629 1:08:16 11:01

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