114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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8879 Laurie Eggemeier F4044 3456 131/223 1471/2605 1:08:10 11:00
7233 Pat McHugh M5559 3457 123/188 1986/2620 1:08:10 11:00
6878 Greg Johnston M4044 3458 194/224 1987/2620 1:08:12 11:00
3274 Tara Z Manicsic F3539 3459 163/252 1472/2605 1:08:12 11:00
2559 Makenna Jordahl F2024 3460 218/349 1473/2605 1:08:12 11:00
5877 Sandy Assum F6569 3461 8/47 1474/2605 1:08:13 11:01
6095 Debbie Gliatti F5054 3462 74/186 1475/2605 1:08:13 11:01
5876 Sam Assum M3034 3463 251/299 1988/2620 1:08:13 11:01
7940 Bob Manning M6569 3464 41/91 1989/2620 1:08:16 11:01
2368 Scot Howell M4549 3465 155/191 1990/2620 1:08:17 11:01
7941 Mark Manning M3539 3466 235/287 1991/2620 1:08:17 11:01
2367 Jennifer Howell F5054 3467 75/186 1476/2605 1:08:17 11:01
9697 Susan Sullivan F5054 3468 76/186 1477/2605 1:08:19 11:02
8503 Marnie Alvord F2024 3469 219/349 1478/2605 1:08:20 11:02
8068 Ciara Harbour F2529 3470 222/356 1479/2605 1:08:20 11:02
8281 Matt Clinkenbeard M2529 3471 257/318 1992/2620 1:08:20 11:02
1452 Sophia Ernst F1619 3472 193/250 1480/2605 1:08:21 11:02
4866 Elise Simonsen F4549 3473 106/211 1481/2605 1:08:22 11:02
4865 Caleb Simonsen M0115 3474 107/140 1993/2620 1:08:22 11:02
1584 Braeden Flint M2529 3475 258/318 1994/2620 1:08:23 11:02
5895 Jessica Beachy F4044 3476 132/223 1482/2605 1:08:26 11:03
2758 Brie Klatte F0115 3477 81/128 1483/2605 1:08:27 11:03
2761 Michael Klatte M4044 3478 195/224 1995/2620 1:08:27 11:03
4206 Michael Rabong M3539 3479 236/287 1996/2620 1:08:28 11:03
4205 Danielle Rabong F3539 3480 164/252 1484/2605 1:08:29 11:03
7935 Nathan Edwards M2024 3481 236/284 1997/2620 1:08:30 11:03
2792 Steve Knapp M6569 3482 42/91 1998/2620 1:08:30 11:03
7213 Edward Kreiner M5054 3483 138/199 1999/2620 1:08:30 11:03
7934 Morgan Scholz F2024 3484 220/349 1485/2605 1:08:30 11:03
2021 Marilyn Hardin F5054 3485 77/186 1486/2605 1:08:31 11:04
9113 David Joly M5054 3486 139/199 2000/2620 1:08:31 11:04
3365 Sally May F5054 3487 78/186 1487/2605 1:08:33 11:04
3452 Hailey McLean F2529 3488 223/356 1488/2605 1:08:34 11:04
963 Jeremy Conley M3034 3489 252/299 2001/2620 1:08:35 11:04
3845 Sharon Niehaus F5054 3490 79/186 1489/2605 1:08:35 11:04
4947 Marisa Smith F2529 3491 224/356 1490/2605 1:08:35 11:04
4475 Casey Ruehlmann F3034 3492 165/260 1491/2605 1:08:36 11:04
5277 Allison Termeer F3539 3493 165/252 1492/2605 1:08:36 11:04
5802 Gregory Wright M4044 3494 196/224 2002/2620 1:08:37 11:05
10638 Emma Hackman F2529 3495 225/356 1493/2605 1:08:40 11:05

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