Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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530 David Garry M1934 355 82/153 229/508 27:49 27:10 8:45
364 Peter Roelike M1934 356 83/153 230/508 27:20 27:11 8:45
227 Paul Collins M3539 357 20/46 231/508 27:23 27:13 8:46
1777 Natalie Unger F1318 358 30/81 127/777 27:42 27:15 8:47
1390 Heidi Martenson F4549 359 12/64 128/777 27:56 27:16 8:47
1264 Annie Almazar F1934 360 43/292 129/777 27:21 27:16 8:47
1302 Jodi Peterson F5054 361 9/53 130/777 27:37 27:18 8:47
1241 Peg Frank F5054 362 10/53 131/777 27:41 27:18 8:48
1875 Rochon Kinney F3539 363 14/95 132/777 27:45 27:20 8:48
155 Donald Wendling M5559 364 7/27 232/508 27:38 27:21 8:48
1528 Renee Harvieux F3539 365 15/95 133/777 27:48 27:21 8:48
1731 Denise Lundstrom F3539 366 16/95 134/777 28:12 27:22 8:49
623 Tom Watson M1934 367 84/153 233/508 27:48 27:22 8:49
1341 Mary Kerg F4044 368 7/59 135/777 27:30 27:23 8:49
185 Aaron Kerg M1318 369 44/64 234/508 27:35 27:24 8:50
1085 Anna Phearman F0112 370 13/54 136/777 27:51 27:26 8:50
1874 Nicole Peterson F1318 371 31/81 137/777 27:46 27:27 8:50
1580 Lauren Elwell F1318 372 32/81 138/777 27:46 27:27 8:50
121 Ben Pickhartz M0112 373 14/43 235/508 28:28 27:27 8:50
1334 Dawn Stenstrom F1934 374 44/292 139/777 27:37 27:30 8:51
1549 Nancy Dodd F5054 375 11/53 140/777 27:51 27:31 8:52
1635 Rachel Gibbon F1318 376 33/81 141/777 27:44 27:32 8:52
1313 Amanda Peterson F1934 377 45/292 142/777 27:50 27:33 8:52
1461 Lisa Lenoch F5054 378 12/53 143/777 27:49 27:34 8:53
1669 Sue Coughlan F5559 379 4/40 144/777 27:52 27:34 8:53
214 Kevin Boreen M4044 380 22/43 236/508 27:53 27:35 8:53
1749 Maleta Moulsoff F0112 381 14/54 145/777 27:42 27:35 8:53
1759 Rachel Peterson F1934 382 46/292 146/777 27:54 27:35 8:53
1161 Nell Amundson F1934 383 47/292 147/777 27:51 27:35 8:53
119 Jared Polzine M1934 384 85/153 237/508 27:52 27:36 8:53
1147 Katie Thompson F1934 385 48/292 148/777 28:29 27:37 8:54
382 Jeff Oja M3539 386 21/46 238/508 27:43 27:38 8:54
1452 Doreen Kangas F4044 387 8/59 149/777 28:38 27:39 8:54
1419 Jessica Dawson F1934 388 49/292 150/777 28:20 27:39 8:54
1276 Mattie Ellenson F1318 389 34/81 151/777 27:48 27:39 8:54
1770 Tessa Waite F0112 390 15/54 152/777 27:48 27:40 8:55
501 Jesse Goutermont M1934 391 86/153 239/508 28:23 27:40 8:55
1675 Amy Bugge F5559 392 5/40 153/777 28:10 27:40 8:55
531 Steven Heikkila M4044 393 23/43 240/508 28:28 27:44 8:56
197 Elijah Church M0112 394 15/43 241/508 28:03 27:45 8:56

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