Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1190 Michele Dunleavy F3539 698 42/95 344/777 32:28 31:59 10:18
299 Bryan Johnson M3539 699 34/46 355/508 32:56 31:59 10:18
63 Glenn Meints M4044 700 35/43 356/508 33:09 31:59 10:18
1627 Mary Benko F4044 701 24/59 345/777 32:47 32:00 10:18
539 Dale McCauley M5559 702 17/27 357/508 32:47 32:04 10:20
629 Matthew Fleege M0112 703 28/43 358/508 32:56 32:04 10:20
1117 Brittney Nevins F1934 704 125/292 346/777 32:19 32:06 10:20
73 Donny Nevins M1934 705 123/153 359/508 32:19 32:06 10:20
1532 Nancy Golio F5054 706 21/53 347/777 32:33 32:06 10:20
1530 Betty Tomerlin F5559 707 13/40 348/777 32:33 32:07 10:20
1879 Megan Stariha F1934 708 126/292 349/777 32:11 32:07 10:21
1925 Patricia Fleege F4549 709 31/64 350/777 32:57 32:07 10:21
419 Alex Smedshammer M1318 710 57/64 360/508 32:08 32:08 10:21
1145 Jessica Petersen F1318 711 58/81 351/777 32:41 32:08 10:21
85 Wayne Spaeth M5054 712 20/35 361/508 32:35 32:09 10:21
386 Jeffrey Petersen M1934 713 124/153 362/508 32:43 32:10 10:22
109 Andrew Petersen M1934 714 125/153 363/508 32:43 32:10 10:22
1867 Melissa Weglarz F1934 715 127/292 352/777 32:55 32:11 10:22
1315 Amy Velasquez F1934 716 128/292 353/777 32:39 32:12 10:22
1064 Thalia Person F1934 717 129/292 354/777 32:39 32:12 10:22
1821 Joann Mattson F5054 718 22/53 355/777 33:03 32:13 10:23
1640 Megan Pederson F0112 719 33/54 356/777 32:49 32:13 10:23
1246 Katherine Duyfhuizen F1934 720 130/292 357/777 33:13 32:13 10:23
1127 Alysha Stephens F1934 721 131/292 358/777 32:38 32:15 10:23
1895 Kelli Nadeau F1318 722 59/81 359/777 33:06 32:15 10:23
1237 Gwen Stephens F5054 723 23/53 360/777 32:39 32:15 10:23
1625 Patty Becker F4044 724 25/59 361/777 33:03 32:15 10:23
102 Luke Hatleli M1934 725 126/153 364/508 32:44 32:20 10:25
1638 Caitlin Pederson F1318 726 60/81 362/777 32:56 32:21 10:25
101 Scott Hatleli M5054 727 21/35 365/508 32:45 32:22 10:25
97 Scott Miller M4549 728 27/39 366/508 32:58 32:22 10:26
1134 Theresa Miller F4549 729 32/64 363/777 32:58 32:23 10:26
224 Ross Lunderville M5054 730 22/35 367/508 32:31 32:24 10:26
1385 Diane Anderson F6064 731 3/15 364/777 33:25 32:25 10:26
1307 Katie Huffman F1934 732 132/292 365/777 33:07 32:25 10:26
1894 Amanda Nadeau F1934 733 133/292 366/777 33:16 32:25 10:26
1380 Jennifer Mueller F3539 734 43/95 367/777 32:57 32:26 10:27
1642 Abigail Pederson F0112 735 34/54 368/777 33:02 32:26 10:27
1300 Kallie Sheehan F3539 736 44/95 369/777 32:43 32:27 10:27
1073 Kirsten Barie F3539 737 45/95 370/777 32:42 32:28 10:27

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