114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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6746 Marilee Cann F3034 3150 152/260 1309/2609 1:05:12 10:31
3512 Pattianne Menden F5559 3151 55/168 1310/2609 1:05:13 10:32
3005 Rachel Langenderfer F5559 3152 56/168 1311/2609 1:05:14 10:32
5298 Jake Thomas M3034 3153 234/299 1842/2629 1:05:16 10:32
6788 Traci Eiding F4549 3154 92/211 1312/2609 1:05:16 10:32
5597 Beth Weitzel F5559 3155 57/168 1313/2609 1:05:16 10:32
6786 Ryan Eiding M4549 3156 138/191 1843/2629 1:05:16 10:32
3812 Kim Neuhaus F5559 3157 58/168 1314/2609 1:05:16 10:32
3165 Edward Lottman M6569 3158 38/91 1844/2629 1:05:17 10:32
5294 Adler Thomas M0115 3159 100/140 1845/2629 1:05:17 10:32
4418 Adelaide Rolfes F2529 3160 198/356 1315/2609 1:05:17 10:32
1940 Matt Guye M5559 3161 103/188 1846/2629 1:05:18 10:32
2830 Peter Kolis M3539 3162 216/287 1847/2629 1:05:18 10:32
8870 Mariola Dwornizcak F3034 3163 153/260 1316/2609 1:05:18 10:32
9013 Reece Hands M3034 3164 235/299 1848/2629 1:05:18 10:32
6422 Kelly Patterson F3539 3165 138/252 1317/2609 1:05:22 10:33
9361 Chris Neubarth M4549 3166 139/191 1849/2629 1:05:22 10:33
66 Hannah Anderson F2529 3167 199/356 1318/2609 1:05:23 10:33
2989 Ryan Lamb M4044 3168 182/228 1850/2629 1:05:24 10:33
4476 Debbie Ruehlmann F5559 3169 59/168 1319/2609 1:05:25 10:34
3003 Steve Lane M5054 3170 130/200 1851/2629 1:05:27 10:34
2255 Kathleen Hiltz F3034 3171 154/260 1320/2609 1:05:28 10:34
3907 Matthew O'Brien M3539 3172 217/287 1852/2629 1:05:28 10:34
8609 Diane Bass F6064 3173 37/124 1321/2609 1:05:30 10:34
6614 Christa Todorovich F4549 3174 93/211 1322/2609 1:05:31 10:34
6154 Amy Hart F3539 3175 139/252 1323/2609 1:05:31 10:34
245 Sarah Bartlett F4549 3176 94/211 1324/2609 1:05:31 10:34
4952 Natalie Smith F2024 3177 201/349 1325/2609 1:05:31 10:35
3310 Chris Markus M4044 3178 183/228 1853/2629 1:05:31 10:35
9478 Katie Roberts F3539 3179 140/252 1326/2609 1:05:32 10:35
3555 Charlotte Millay F0115 3180 75/128 1327/2609 1:05:32 10:35
2510 Kennedy Johnson F1619 3181 178/250 1328/2609 1:05:32 10:35
3554 Becky Millay F4044 3182 113/223 1329/2609 1:05:32 10:35
4178 Mariana Proffitt F2529 3183 200/356 1330/2609 1:05:32 10:35
3634 Kristy Moeves F5559 3184 60/168 1331/2609 1:05:32 10:35
8963 Mia Gilday F1619 3185 179/250 1332/2609 1:05:33 10:35
5336 Joseph Topmiller M4549 3186 140/191 1854/2629 1:05:33 10:35
8478 Olivia Justice F2529 3187 201/356 1333/2609 1:05:33 10:35
7903 Elsie Whitmer F1619 3188 180/250 1334/2609 1:05:33 10:35
5335 Anna Topmiller F1619 3189 181/250 1335/2609 1:05:33 10:35

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