Valentine's Day Run

5k Run


February 15, 2009 in Denver, CO


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5k Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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209 Becky Carney F3039 136 10/43 51/174 28:45 9:17
263 Amy Grogan F3039 137 11/43 52/174 28:46 9:17
360 Helen Pierson F4049 138 9/37 53/174 28:47 9:18
8 Edward Williams M5059 139 14/21 86/133 28:47 9:18
264 Brian Grogan M3039 140 24/39 87/133 28:52 9:19
70 Scott Bontempo M4049 141 18/26 88/133 29:12 9:26
83 Natalie Weber F2029 142 29/55 54/174 29:13 9:26
236 Brian Dunham M3039 143 25/39 89/133 29:14 9:26
388 Kristin Steele F3039 144 12/43 55/174 29:14 9:26
140 Kim Murdock F3039 145 13/43 56/174 29:17 9:27
273 Brenda Handy F4049 146 10/37 57/174 29:19 9:28
342 Shelley O'Grady F4049 147 11/37 58/174 29:20 9:28
244 Suzanne Evanoff F4049 148 12/37 59/174 29:23 9:29
66 Charise Denant F2029 149 30/55 60/174 29:26 9:30
249 Kimberlee Fisher F2029 150 31/55 61/174 29:30 9:31
248 Adam Fisher M3039 151 26/39 90/133 29:30 9:31
376 Veronica Sage F2029 152 32/55 62/174 29:34 9:33
85 Ashley Bage F2029 153 33/55 63/174 29:34 9:33
439 Heidi Robinson F3039 154 14/43 64/174 29:37 9:34
221 Nick Costanzo M3039 155 27/39 91/133 29:38 9:34
316 Robynne Locke F2029 156 34/55 65/174 29:41 9:35
233 Catherine Drumheller F3039 157 15/43 66/174 29:48 9:37
381 Travis Sherley M3039 158 28/39 92/133 29:48 9:37
293 Scott Jurgens M5059 159 15/21 93/133 29:52 9:38
135 Stephanie Bruno F4049 160 13/37 67/174 29:53 9:39
145 Jen Zweibel F2029 161 35/55 68/174 29:55 9:39
125 Erik Neralen M2029 162 16/19 94/133 29:55 9:39
269 Mary Hall F4049 163 14/37 69/174 30:06 9:43
43 Lisa Hutton F4049 164 15/37 70/174 30:09 9:44
257 Joseph Gerlach M2029 165 17/19 95/133 30:09 9:44
256 Andrea Gerlach F2029 166 36/55 71/174 30:12 9:45
401 Cathy Vidikan F4049 167 16/37 72/174 30:12 9:45
184 Paige Ayres F2029 168 37/55 73/174 30:13 9:45
319 Jaimie Luce F3039 169 16/43 74/174 30:17 9:46
341 Nicky Norton F4049 170 17/37 75/174 30:21 9:48
155 Silvana Aiguipa F1319 171 3/11 76/174 30:32 9:51
52 Wendi Loose F???? 172 1/1 77/174 30:35 9:52
246 Deborah Ferraro F3039 173 17/43 78/174 30:36 9:53
353 Sarah Pearl F1319 174 4/11 79/174 30:38 9:53
407 Larissa Wilson F3039 175 18/43 80/174 30:51 9:57

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