4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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6724 Kate Dondan F4049 300 24/43 146/247 43:41 10:56
3886 Erin Pertuit F2029 301 39/55 147/247 43:49 10:58
3627 Liwen Gn F1319 302 6/11 148/247 43:49 10:58
3887 Oliver Pertuit M2029 303 33/37 154/201 43:50 10:58
3905 Laura Rovner F4049 304 25/43 149/247 43:53 10:59
3825 Jim Jones M6069 305 14/22 155/201 43:54 10:59
3959 Jennifer Pillari F3039 306 60/90 150/247 43:54 10:59
3797 Amy Harris F2029 307 40/55 151/247 44:01 11:01
3538 Kathie Golder F4049 308 26/43 152/247 44:13 11:04
3612 Bob Schlenker M6069 309 15/22 156/201 44:18 11:05
3828 Brandon Kamiyama M2029 310 34/37 157/201 44:19 11:05
3794 Teri Hanlon F2029 311 41/55 153/247 44:19 11:05
3729 Laura Bergefund F4049 312 27/43 154/247 44:21 11:05
3909 Sabrina Sammons F3039 313 61/90 155/247 44:25 11:07
3790 Regina Gubenko F3039 314 62/90 156/247 44:39 11:10
3568 Amy Hintz F3039 315 63/90 157/247 45:03 11:16
3715 Allan Greene M4049 316 34/39 158/201 45:04 11:16
3687 Ali McHodgkins F1319 317 7/11 158/247 45:17 11:20
3576 Amber Bisgard F3039 318 64/90 159/247 45:18 11:20
3577 Brad Mitchell M3039 319 42/55 159/201 45:18 11:20
3552 Manuel Carrillo M3039 320 43/55 160/201 45:19 11:20
3553 Jacqueline Granados F2029 321 42/55 160/247 45:19 11:20
3713 Sandra Lutz F4049 322 28/43 161/247 45:31 11:23
3907 Anne Salli F2029 323 43/55 162/247 45:36 11:24
3805 Lesley Hathorn F5059 324 17/25 163/247 45:38 11:25
3717 Sarah Arnold F3039 325 65/90 164/247 45:38 11:25
6772 Don Marscellas M6069 326 16/22 161/201 45:40 11:25
3879 Kayla Nuss F3039 327 66/90 165/247 45:51 11:28
3898 Kristina Reilly F3039 328 67/90 166/247 45:54 11:29
3558 Debra Conner F4049 329 29/43 167/247 45:59 11:30
3651 Anna Laughlin F3039 330 68/90 168/247 46:06 11:32
3741 Amy Brus F3039 331 69/90 169/247 46:06 11:32
3878 Jason Nuss M3039 332 44/55 162/201 46:11 11:33
3607 Atlee Witt F0112 333 1/7 170/247 46:12 11:33
6747 Judy Cusack F5059 334 18/25 171/247 46:19 11:35
3709 Connie Smith F4049 335 30/43 172/247 46:23 11:36
3732 Nicole Berkey M2029 336 35/37 163/201 46:32 11:38
3710 MacKenzie Whitehead-Byt F0112 337 2/7 173/247 46:36 11:39
3711 Michael Whitehead-Bust M3039 338 45/55 164/201 46:36 11:39
3606 Susan Witt F5059 339 19/25 174/247 46:36 11:39

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