4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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6622 Ryan Wess M3039 8 1/55 8/201 24:01 6:01
3517 Lenny Larajo M3039 10 2/55 10/201 24:15 6:04
3860 Mike Merrill M3039 12 3/55 12/201 24:41 6:11
6773 Michael Thompson M3039 13 4/55 13/201 25:01 6:16
3822 Tim Jenkins M3039 18 5/55 17/201 26:15 6:34
3829 Matt Karlsen M3039 23 6/55 22/201 26:46 6:42
3525 Brian Hronik M3039 28 7/55 27/201 27:49 6:58
3915 John Scollo M3039 35 8/55 33/201 28:33 7:09
3700 Daniel Madruga M3039 38 9/55 34/201 28:53 7:14
3624 Rick Ruby M3039 39 10/55 35/201 28:53 7:14
3744 Paul Burns M3039 41 11/55 37/201 29:13 7:19
6610 Matthew Moore M3039 44 12/55 40/201 29:22 7:21
3958 Andy Pillari M3039 51 13/55 45/201 29:49 7:28
6604 Adrian Lando M3039 52 14/55 46/201 29:57 7:30
6758 Mike Wimett M3039 53 15/55 47/201 29:57 7:30
3969 Filip Boelen M3039 57 16/55 48/201 30:05 7:32
3967 Josh Baird M3039 58 17/55 49/201 30:11 7:33
3763 Aaron Davis M3039 60 18/55 51/201 30:13 7:34
3669 Adam Bierstedt M3039 61 19/55 52/201 30:20 7:35
3707 Juan De Vara M3039 62 20/55 53/201 30:21 7:36
3733 Tyler Berkey M3039 66 21/55 54/201 30:29 7:38
3807 Steve Hayward M3039 68 22/55 55/201 30:42 7:41
3884 Darin Parks M3039 72 23/55 59/201 31:06 7:47
3857 Eric McCrady M3039 73 24/55 60/201 31:08 7:47
3737 Allen Bridgeforth M3039 74 25/55 61/201 31:21 7:51
3932 Douglas Tisdale Jr M3039 79 26/55 64/201 31:48 7:57
3827 Eric Jurien M3039 80 27/55 65/201 32:02 8:01
3503 Jason Frick M3039 88 28/55 71/201 32:34 8:09
3664 Adrian Holquin M3039 92 29/55 73/201 33:01 8:16
3819 Brian Janssen M3039 108 30/55 82/201 34:07 8:32
3896 Troy Rackham M3039 111 31/55 83/201 34:28 8:37
3953 Ryan Woodey M3039 113 32/55 84/201 34:33 8:39
6756 Chris Young M3039 127 33/55 90/201 35:17 8:50
3632 Glenn Fee M3039 134 34/55 95/201 35:49 8:58
3962 Jay Kolbe M3039 140 35/55 98/201 36:00 9:00
3826 Devin Joshi M3039 146 36/55 103/201 36:09 9:03
3899 Matt Reynolds M3039 152 37/55 107/201 36:29 9:08
3910 Clayton Sampson M3039 220 38/55 131/201 39:19 9:50
3697 David Lopez M3039 238 39/55 139/201 40:14 10:04
3608 John Eisen M3039 258 40/55 144/201 41:22 10:21
3759 Chris Cozine M3039 278 41/55 149/201 42:29 10:37
3577 Brad Mitchell M3039 319 42/55 159/201 45:18 11:20
3552 Manuel Carrillo M3039 320 43/55 160/201 45:19 11:20
3878 Jason Nuss M3039 332 44/55 162/201 46:11 11:33
3711 Michael Whitehead-Bust M3039 338 45/55 164/201 46:36 11:39
3934 Jacob Veatch M3039 341 46/55 165/201 46:56 11:44
3966 Gerry Spoor M3039 350 47/55 168/201 47:49 11:58
3944 Steve Watson M3039 360 48/55 173/201 49:07 12:17
3925 Dan Stafford M3039 365 49/55 174/201 49:40 12:25
3901 Jamal Riley M3039 373 50/55 176/201 51:04 12:46
3706 Frank Brcka M3039 401 51/55 183/201 55:44 13:56
3544 Jason Whitesell M3039 402 52/55 184/201 56:35 14:09
3680 Sean McGaugh M3039 405 53/55 185/201 57:08 14:17
3766 Mark Deschamps M3039 415 54/55 188/201 1:01:17 15:20
3815 Thad Horrell M3039 449 55/55 201/201 1:24:02 21:01

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