4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3558 Debra Conner F4049 329 29/43 167/247 45:59 11:30
3651 Anna Laughlin F3039 330 68/90 168/247 46:06 11:32
3741 Amy Brus F3039 331 69/90 169/247 46:06 11:32
3878 Jason Nuss M3039 332 44/55 162/201 46:11 11:33
3607 Atlee Witt F0112 333 1/7 170/247 46:12 11:33
6747 Judy Cusack F5059 334 18/25 171/247 46:19 11:35
3709 Connie Smith F4049 335 30/43 172/247 46:23 11:36
3732 Nicole Berkey M2029 336 35/37 163/201 46:32 11:38
3710 MacKenzie Whitehead-Byt F0112 337 2/7 173/247 46:36 11:39
3711 Michael Whitehead-Bust M3039 338 45/55 164/201 46:36 11:39
3606 Susan Witt F5059 339 19/25 174/247 46:36 11:39
3830 Anjanette Kass F2029 340 44/55 175/247 46:41 11:41
3934 Jacob Veatch M3039 341 46/55 165/201 46:56 11:44
3935 Stacie Veatch F3039 342 70/90 176/247 46:57 11:45
3924 Andrea Spaeth F4049 343 31/43 177/247 46:58 11:45
6733 Mitchell Costas M2029 344 36/37 166/201 47:03 11:46
3863 Andrea Milstein F4049 345 32/43 178/247 47:28 11:52
3906 Barb Sailor F6069 346 5/14 179/247 47:29 11:53
3950 Kathryn Wipperling F5059 347 20/25 180/247 47:29 11:53
3882 Taren Palazzolo F2029 348 45/55 181/247 47:31 11:53
3689 Jim Standridge M70UP 349 3/6 167/201 47:46 11:57
3966 Gerry Spoor M3039 350 47/55 168/201 47:49 11:58
3702 Od Duhu F3039 351 71/90 182/247 47:53 11:59
3616 Jodi Lupien F3039 352 72/90 183/247 48:05 12:02
3571 Christine Kruse F3039 353 73/90 184/247 48:21 12:06
3513 Jerry Wischmeyer M6069 354 17/22 169/201 48:32 12:08
6615 Bj Kellogg M4049 355 35/39 170/201 48:44 12:11
3900 Amylee Riley F3039 356 74/90 185/247 48:45 12:12
3543 Jessica Whitesell F3039 357 75/90 186/247 48:46 12:12
3916 David Shaw M4049 358 36/39 171/201 48:48 12:12
3917 Glenn Shaw M70UP 359 4/6 172/201 48:52 12:13
3944 Steve Watson M3039 360 48/55 173/201 49:07 12:17
3837 Kerrin Kirdahy F2029 361 46/55 187/247 49:10 12:18
3573 Monica Maloney F5059 362 21/25 188/247 49:23 12:21
3682 Gabrielle Johnson F2029 363 47/55 189/247 49:32 12:23
3574 Taylor Tolitson F2029 364 48/55 190/247 49:32 12:23
3925 Dan Stafford M3039 365 49/55 174/201 49:40 12:25
3730 Crystal Bergemann F2029 366 49/55 191/247 49:40 12:25
3850 Kelly MacLauhclan F3039 367 76/90 192/247 49:43 12:26
3765 Sandi Denewiler F2029 368 50/55 193/247 49:56 12:29

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