30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3581 Ben Archer M4044 967 52/62 514/662 40:12 12:58
4071 Kate McNees F4044 968 46/69 454/711 40:13 12:59
260 James Spahn M4549 969 51/64 515/662 40:14 12:59
3419 Tia Sharpe F2024 970 54/78 455/711 40:14 12:59
4421 Ryan Senter M5054 971 48/63 516/662 40:15 12:59
262 Ashley Spahn F4044 972 47/69 456/711 40:15 12:59
4185 Liz McClune F4549 973 40/72 457/711 40:16 13:00
3358 Lucy Holliday F10UN 974 20/31 458/711 40:24 13:02
3935 Ryan Herron M3034 975 29/45 517/662 40:25 13:02
3359 Nichole Holliday F4044 976 48/69 459/711 40:26 13:03
3762 Bennett Linnell M10UN 977 43/48 518/662 40:26 13:03
3764 Joshua Linnell M4044 978 53/62 519/662 40:26 13:03
4049 Colin Cox M3034 979 30/45 520/662 40:27 13:03
4048 Brittney Laramie F3034 980 33/49 460/711 40:27 13:03
3943 Diane Murphy F5559 981 22/39 461/711 40:28 13:03
3942 Brian Murphy M5559 982 25/38 521/662 40:28 13:04
3586 Lawnene Boswell F5559 983 23/39 462/711 40:30 13:04
3639 Durand Heath M10UN 984 44/48 522/662 40:31 13:04
4456 Karyn Sessions F6569 985 4/13 463/711 40:36 13:06
4301 Don Benson M7074 986 5/12 523/662 40:42 13:08
3801 Tony Whitehead M6569 987 6/13 524/662 40:42 13:08
3514 Beth Kimche F5054 988 40/71 464/711 40:44 13:09
3437 Sarah Sims F3034 989 34/49 465/711 40:53 13:12
4157 Leilani Morgan F4044 990 49/69 466/711 40:56 13:13
4158 Zoelie Wright F1519 991 69/82 467/711 40:57 13:13
3929 Mike Salerno M6569 992 7/13 525/662 40:57 13:13
4246 Lola Sloan F1519 993 70/82 468/711 41:04 13:15
4171 Barbara Khanna F6569 994 5/13 469/711 41:06 13:16
4068 Anjali Mosteller F4044 995 50/69 470/711 41:10 13:17
4285 Mark Hankins M3539 996 38/42 526/662 41:12 13:18
4284 Allie Hankins F10UN 997 21/31 471/711 41:12 13:18
4433 Michael Hinojosa M4549 998 52/64 527/662 41:15 13:19
3739 Justin Phelps M1519 999 57/60 528/662 41:16 13:19
3740 Marcella Phelps F4044 1000 51/69 472/711 41:16 13:19
4434 Emily Hinojosa F3539 1001 39/53 473/711 41:17 13:19
4403 Sarah Snider F4044 1002 52/69 474/711 41:17 13:19
3859 Livy Seabrook F10UN 1003 22/31 475/711 41:20 13:20
3189 Aubrey Rettig F3539 1004 40/53 476/711 41:22 13:21
3858 Katie Seabrook F3539 1005 41/53 477/711 41:22 13:21
4316 Robert Knox M6064 1006 14/32 529/662 41:24 13:22

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