114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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7875 Brittany Ulrich F3539 2057 83/252 726/2609 57:26 9:16
3079 Megan Leverton F3034 2058 80/260 727/2609 57:26 9:16
3915 Hannah O'Connor F3034 2059 81/260 728/2609 57:27 9:16
3268 Kevin Malay M4044 2060 134/228 1332/2629 57:27 9:16
6900 Brian Krahenbuhl M4044 2061 135/228 1333/2629 57:27 9:16
841 Alisha Chase F3539 2062 84/252 729/2609 57:28 9:17
7097 Matthew Benson M4549 2063 95/191 1334/2629 57:28 9:17
4171 Rebecca Price F3539 2064 85/252 730/2609 57:28 9:17
9518 Omar Samaha M4044 2065 136/228 1335/2629 57:28 9:17
5286 Mike Teter M5559 2066 65/188 1336/2629 57:28 9:17
398 Tim Binning M5559 2067 66/188 1337/2629 57:28 9:17
3406 Sarah McDaniel F3034 2068 82/260 731/2609 57:28 9:17
3837 Addi Nicley F1619 2069 102/250 732/2609 57:28 9:17
6796 Cathy Everson F6064 2070 22/124 733/2609 57:28 9:17
7120 Chris Chen M3539 2071 164/287 1338/2629 57:28 9:17
1020 Matthew Cosgrove M4549 2072 96/191 1339/2629 57:29 9:17
6589 Sherry Sweet F5054 2073 37/186 734/2609 57:29 9:17
7876 Mike Ulrich M4044 2074 137/228 1340/2629 57:29 9:17
570 Michael Brookbank M3034 2075 178/299 1341/2629 57:30 9:17
4588 Lauren Sayre F1619 2076 103/250 735/2609 57:30 9:17
3806 Eric Nessen M3034 2077 179/299 1342/2629 57:31 9:17
7105 Emily Bowers F3539 2078 86/252 736/2609 57:31 9:17
9627 Jason Smith M4549 2079 97/191 1343/2629 57:31 9:17
1978 Faith Hall F2529 2080 116/356 737/2609 57:31 9:17
3294 Lori Marcho Ferris F5559 2081 23/168 738/2609 57:31 9:17
3329 Maria Martinez F5559 2082 24/168 739/2609 57:31 9:17
7598 Melissa Hautz F5559 2083 25/168 740/2609 57:31 9:17
8783 Michele Coppola M3034 2084 180/299 1344/2629 57:32 9:17
8334 Robin Seibel F5054 2085 38/186 741/2609 57:32 9:17
3241 Jill MacLeod F3034 2086 83/260 742/2609 57:32 9:17
6138 Melissa Hall F3539 2087 87/252 743/2609 57:33 9:17
6758 Andrea Coffaro F4044 2088 59/223 744/2609 57:33 9:17
4055 Julia Pennington F4549 2089 44/211 745/2609 57:34 9:17
6729 Marianne Brown F2529 2090 117/356 746/2609 57:34 9:18
5878 Adam Atkinson M2529 2091 170/318 1345/2629 57:35 9:18
3967 Jack Owen M2024 2092 180/284 1346/2629 57:35 9:18
3155 John Longsworth M6064 2093 50/166 1347/2629 57:36 9:18
518 Evan Braun M2529 2094 171/318 1348/2629 57:37 9:18
5685 Jonathan Williams M3034 2095 181/299 1349/2629 57:37 9:18
2077 Jenny Harves F4549 2096 45/211 747/2609 57:37 9:18

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