30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4402 Robert Kollenberg M3034 542 16/45 331/662 30:44 9:55
4060 Laura McDaniel F4549 543 13/72 212/711 30:44 9:55
3897 Tony Trimble M6064 544 5/32 332/662 30:46 9:56
3370 Beckett Talbert M1114 545 59/78 333/662 30:49 9:57
3876 Kris Ksiag M5559 546 14/38 334/662 30:50 9:57
3072 Marco Vignali M3034 547 17/45 335/662 30:50 9:57
3066 Elle Webber F1519 548 44/82 213/711 30:50 9:57
3539 Abby May F1519 549 45/82 214/711 30:50 9:57
3719 Rolan King M1114 550 60/78 336/662 30:51 9:57
3241 Maddie Craig F1519 551 46/82 215/711 30:51 9:58
3573 Delaney Phillips F2024 552 27/78 216/711 30:52 9:58
3968 Tom Hill M5054 553 31/63 337/662 30:53 9:58
4007 Jt Hudson M2024 554 31/48 338/662 30:55 9:59
3773 Joe Keeton M3034 555 18/45 339/662 30:56 9:59
3867 Brian Adams M3034 556 19/45 340/662 30:58 10:00
3978 John Laughlin M3539 557 26/42 341/662 31:00 10:00
3856 Chad Clark M4549 558 26/64 342/662 31:00 10:00
3915 Katie Goldberg F2024 559 28/78 217/711 31:01 10:01
4377 Michael Johnson M4549 560 27/64 343/662 31:01 10:01
3975 Julia Bauer F1519 561 47/82 218/711 31:01 10:01
3911 Catherine Pugh F5054 562 14/71 219/711 31:01 10:01
3133 Brooke Martin F4044 563 18/69 220/711 31:02 10:01
3921 Greg Rockenbaugh M4044 564 34/62 344/662 31:03 10:01
4345 Ken Williams M5559 565 15/38 345/662 31:03 10:01
3306 Giny Mullins F4549 566 14/72 221/711 31:04 10:02
3391 Elle Downs F1519 567 48/82 222/711 31:04 10:02
3696 Lauren Bakun F2024 568 29/78 223/711 31:04 10:02
4155 B Christopher Daney M6569 569 1/13 346/662 31:04 10:02
3417 Scot Smith M4549 570 28/64 347/662 31:05 10:02
3695 Alex Bakun M1519 571 47/60 348/662 31:05 10:02
3985 Mindy Inge F4044 572 19/69 224/711 31:06 10:02
3135 Jamie Smith F3539 573 20/53 225/711 31:08 10:03
3661 Jennifer Lu F5054 574 15/71 226/711 31:10 10:04
3664 Sean Lu M1519 575 48/60 349/662 31:10 10:04
3071 Anna Vignali F2024 576 30/78 227/711 31:11 10:04
3463 Ashley Roberts F4044 577 20/69 228/711 31:12 10:04
3381 Liz Hayes F5054 578 16/71 229/711 31:12 10:04
4080 Donald Shampine M5054 579 32/63 350/662 31:13 10:05
3149 Ann-Brooks Morrissette F3034 580 21/49 230/711 31:14 10:05
4237 Zen Mullins-Sebor F10UN 581 6/31 231/711 31:15 10:05

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