30A 10K Thanksgiving Day Races



November 23, 2023 in Rosemary Beach, FL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3228 Wesley Alvarez M2024 1038 44/48 542/662 43:07 13:55
3231 Taylor Alvarez F2529 1039 42/56 497/711 43:08 13:55
3250 Richard Capuano M5054 1040 50/63 543/662 43:09 13:56
3230 Tiffany Alvarez F4549 1041 44/72 498/711 43:10 13:56
3227 Chad Alvarez M5054 1042 51/63 544/662 43:10 13:56
3143 Marcy Desjardins F6064 1043 12/30 499/711 43:13 13:57
4093 Barbara Smith F6064 1044 13/30 500/711 43:24 14:00
4313 Isaac Melton M1114 1045 74/78 545/662 43:24 14:00
4314 Ryan Melton M4044 1046 55/62 546/662 43:25 14:01
3714 Michael Fowler M5559 1047 27/38 547/662 43:27 14:01
3458 Zachary Priest M2529 1048 34/41 548/662 43:28 14:02
3182 Hannah Weill F2024 1049 61/78 501/711 43:29 14:02
4212 Wendy Cooper F4549 1050 45/72 502/711 43:33 14:03
4499 Angela Robertson F5054 1051 43/71 503/711 43:33 14:03
3632 Jerry Haag M5559 1052 28/38 549/662 43:38 14:05
3633 Christi Haag F5559 1053 25/39 504/711 43:39 14:05
3962 Brenda Bannerman F5559 1054 26/39 505/711 43:40 14:06
3181 Shane Foshee M3034 1055 32/45 550/662 43:43 14:07
4082 Vince Shampine M5054 1056 52/63 551/662 43:44 14:07
3176 Sam Foshee F3034 1057 36/49 506/711 43:44 14:07
4085 Nobue Takai F5054 1058 44/71 507/711 43:44 14:07
4382 Laura Paige McIlvain F3539 1059 42/53 508/711 43:47 14:08
4249 Eleanor McIlvain F10UN 1060 24/31 509/711 43:47 14:08
4406 Amberly Lenox F1114 1061 44/52 510/711 43:52 14:09
3376 Ryan Stimac M4044 1062 56/62 552/662 43:59 14:12
4437 Joshua Degagne M2024 1063 45/48 553/662 43:59 14:12
4438 Rhonda Magloire F2024 1064 62/78 511/711 44:00 14:12
4407 Marla Lenox F4549 1065 46/72 512/711 44:01 14:12
3211 Eric Rauch M7074 1066 6/12 554/662 44:03 14:13
3210 Linda Rauch F7074 1067 5/12 513/711 44:04 14:13
3907 Mark Pugh M5559 1068 29/38 555/662 44:09 14:15
3198 Madeleine Dilley F2024 1069 63/78 514/711 44:11 14:15
3726 Kimberly Lyon F5559 1070 27/39 515/711 44:11 14:16
3551 Adrianne Parr F4044 1071 54/69 516/711 44:14 14:16
3689 Stacey Fadden F5054 1072 45/71 517/711 44:14 14:16
3583 Kassy Archer F4044 1073 55/69 518/711 44:15 14:17
3882 Kim Connor F5054 1074 46/71 519/711 44:22 14:19
3102 Dena Mesler F4549 1075 47/72 520/711 44:23 14:19
3392 Marissa Downs F4549 1076 48/72 521/711 44:24 14:20
3393 Ryan Downs M4549 1077 54/64 556/662 44:24 14:20

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