Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1454 Angela Moran F1934 844 170/292 447/777 35:33 34:33 11:08
1741 Laurie Sieger F4549 845 38/64 448/777 34:55 34:33 11:08
1389 Kara Knutson F3539 846 57/95 449/777 34:55 34:35 11:08
1359 Isabel Roeske F0112 847 41/54 450/777 35:36 34:37 11:09
1703 Darcy Johnson F4549 848 39/64 451/777 34:58 34:37 11:09
1448 Marais Bjornberg F1934 849 171/292 452/777 34:51 34:39 11:09
1905 Shayna Prouty F0112 850 42/54 453/777 35:02 34:39 11:10
1535 Sherri Johnson F5054 851 27/53 454/777 35:07 34:40 11:10
1054 Lindsay Scharte F1934 852 172/292 455/777 35:13 34:42 11:11
546 Eric Randall M1934 853 134/153 398/508 35:26 34:43 11:11
275 Carl Keller M6064 854 15/30 399/508 35:25 34:43 11:11
1697 Mary Vanyo F5054 855 28/53 456/777 34:57 34:46 11:12
1364 Ariane Herberg F5054 856 29/53 457/777 35:30 34:47 11:12
1444 Ann Haugejorde F5559 857 15/40 458/777 35:00 34:48 11:12
1445 Karen Ofstie F4549 858 40/64 459/777 35:27 34:48 11:12
199 Allen Thomas M4549 859 30/39 400/508 35:44 34:52 11:14
1197 Ashley Myren F1934 860 173/292 460/777 35:42 34:55 11:15
376 Curt Hedin M3539 861 38/46 401/508 35:09 34:56 11:15
1563 Kim Lingbeck F4044 862 32/59 461/777 35:15 34:57 11:15
1349 Marcia Willett F6064 863 6/15 462/777 35:11 34:58 11:16
569 Jon Launderville M1318 864 58/64 402/508 35:41 34:59 11:16
1234 Heather Koemptgen F1934 865 174/292 463/777 35:28 34:59 11:16
464 John Pouchak M1934 866 135/153 403/508 35:42 35:00 11:16
1745 Iraida Miller F1934 867 175/292 464/777 35:14 35:03 11:17
1701 Patricia Luke F4044 868 33/59 465/777 36:03 35:04 11:18
140 Neil Blageo M1934 869 136/153 404/508 35:39 35:04 11:18
1700 Diana Harstad F4549 870 41/64 466/777 36:03 35:05 11:18
1846 Olivia Olson F1318 871 67/81 467/777 35:18 35:06 11:18
1705 Brynne Hauer F0112 872 43/54 468/777 36:05 35:06 11:18
1515 Peggy Ludwigson F5054 873 30/53 469/777 35:37 35:06 11:18
437 Steven Skamser M6064 874 16/30 405/508 36:06 35:06 11:18
1516 Brianna Halvorson F1934 875 176/292 470/777 35:37 35:07 11:18
1157 Kristin Rose F1934 876 177/292 471/777 35:39 35:07 11:19
503 Don Desanto M5559 877 21/27 406/508 36:11 35:08 11:19
400 Robert Otos M3539 878 39/46 407/508 35:39 35:08 11:19
1844 Abby Sopata F0112 879 44/54 472/777 35:45 35:11 11:20
1013 Julie Jorgenson F1934 880 178/292 473/777 35:47 35:14 11:21
1927 Linda Nervick F4549 881 42/64 474/777 35:47 35:14 11:21
392 Dennis Adamski M3539 882 40/46 408/508 35:45 35:15 11:21
1281 Nichole Glesner F3539 883 58/95 475/777 35:47 35:15 11:21

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