Steamboat Classic



June 16, 2007 in Peoria, IL

15-Kilometer - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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54 Colleen Casey F3034 103 2/26 8/201 1:06:59 7:15 23:46 27:08 40:17 1:07:25 7:13
598 Brian Tomsovic MCLY1 104 2/40 96/390 1:07:20 7:17 23:04 26:18 41:22 1:07:39 7:15
454 Michael Runge M0118 105 15/33 97/390 1:07:56 7:19 23:20 26:35 41:29 1:08:03 7:19
718 Darcy Pavlik F1924 106 5/28 9/201 1:08:08 7:20 22:31 25:55 42:18 1:08:12 7:20
612 Will Hostetler MCLY1 107 3/40 98/390 1:08:17 7:22 23:32 27:03 41:21 1:08:24 7:21
360 John Matulis M5054 108 3/44 99/390 1:08:22 7:22 22:45 26:09 42:17 1:08:25 7:22
293 Paul Innis MCLY1 109 4/40 100/390 1:08:37 7:23 22:12 25:29 43:12 1:08:40 7:23
42 Nancie Margetis F4044 110 2/22 10/201 1:08:40 7:24 22:48 26:10 42:35 1:08:44 7:23
193 Thomas Crain M4549 111 6/37 101/390 1:08:53 7:26 22:27 25:49 43:10 1:08:59 7:25
215 Kelly Dzierzynski F2529 112 2/35 11/201 1:08:56 7:26 23:07 26:30 42:33 1:09:02 7:25
377 Mike Monson M4549 113 7/37 102/390 1:08:49 7:26 22:41 26:07 42:57 1:09:03 7:24
214 Timothy Dunn M5559 114 5/30 103/390 1:08:57 7:26 23:05 26:39 42:29 1:09:07 7:25
319 Robert Kettelkamp M4549 115 8/37 104/390 1:09:08 7:28 23:22 26:49 42:30 1:09:18 7:27
159 Chris Burk M2529 116 16/35 105/390 1:09:11 7:28 24:03 27:37 41:48 1:09:24 7:27
722 Lisa Wycoff F4044 117 3/22 12/201 1:09:25 7:29 23:32 26:56 42:34 1:09:29 7:28
472 Steve Shane M4044 118 14/42 106/390 1:09:17 7:29 22:49 26:13 43:17 1:09:30 7:27
427 Robert Proctor M4044 119 15/42 107/390 1:09:07 7:30 24:06 27:31 42:07 1:09:38 7:26
381 Shelley Mueller F4044 120 4/22 13/201 1:09:29 7:30 23:24 26:51 42:50 1:09:40 7:29
230 Dan Frank M3539 121 12/35 108/390 1:09:23 7:30 23:21 26:49 42:52 1:09:40 7:28
190 Skaaren Cosse M0118 122 16/33 109/390 1:09:13 7:30 23:55 27:12 42:30 1:09:41 7:27
711 Shelia Peckham F3034 123 3/26 14/201 1:09:35 7:30 23:51 27:18 42:24 1:09:41 7:29
102 Corrie Ackerman F1924 124 6/28 15/201 1:09:32 7:30 23:27 26:53 42:51 1:09:43 7:29
721 Joe Moreno M5054 125 4/44 110/390 1:09:39 7:31 23:18 26:41 43:06 1:09:47 7:30
129 Benjamin Bayless M2529 126 17/35 111/390 1:09:29 7:31 23:30 26:54 42:57 1:09:51 7:29
455 Alice Saunders F1924 127 7/28 16/201 1:09:52 7:31 - - - 1:09:52 7:31
361 Jim McDonald M5559 128 6/30 112/390 1:09:51 7:32 23:09 26:37 43:18 1:09:55 7:31
547 Carol Wells F3539 129 1/33 17/201 1:09:46 7:32 23:06 26:52 43:04 1:09:56 7:31
537 Kent Wagenschutz M1924 130 20/33 113/390 1:09:42 7:32 23:19 27:00 43:01 1:10:00 7:30
476 Rob Shumaker M3034 131 11/29 114/390 1:09:59 7:32 22:40 26:08 43:55 1:10:03 7:32
595 Tj White M0118 132 17/33 115/390 1:09:40 7:33 23:57 27:12 42:56 1:10:08 7:30
474 Bradley Sheehan M1924 133 21/33 116/390 1:10:16 7:35 23:04 26:39 43:46 1:10:24 7:34
426 Shannon Pritchard MCLY1 134 5/40 117/390 1:10:14 7:35 24:04 27:33 42:52 1:10:25 7:34
197 Scott Dahl M3539 135 13/35 118/390 1:10:22 7:35 22:37 26:20 44:07 1:10:26 7:34
566 Shai Wong M5054 136 5/44 119/390 1:10:20 7:35 24:03 27:32 42:58 1:10:30 7:34
291 Frank Hutto M5054 137 6/44 120/390 1:10:28 7:36 23:03 26:29 44:09 1:10:37 7:35
170 Anthony Campbell M4044 138 16/42 121/390 1:10:08 7:36 24:32 28:25 42:13 1:10:38 7:33
507 Lee Studstill M5054 139 7/44 122/390 1:10:19 7:37 24:03 27:35 43:07 1:10:41 7:34
394 Dennis Nink M4549 140 9/37 123/390 1:10:31 7:38 23:57 27:30 43:25 1:10:54 7:35
168 Joey Camp M2529 141 18/35 124/390 1:10:45 7:38 24:41 28:14 42:43 1:10:57 7:37
517 Bryan Tilly MCLY1 142 6/40 125/390 1:10:53 7:38 23:47 27:25 43:35 1:10:59 7:38

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