Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

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7316 Dalia Krakowsky F3034 245 20/43 97/246 58:03 58:34 9:21
7517 Debra Hanson F3539 246 8/34 98/246 58:25 58:41 9:25
7318 Steven Kumlien M5559 247 5/6 149/201 58:38 58:44 9:27
7435 Eric Straavaldsen M3539 248 29/41 150/201 58:12 58:49 9:22
7176 Stephen Schaak M4044 249 15/21 151/201 57:52 58:53 9:19
7250 April Deane F2024 250 14/35 99/246 58:16 58:53 9:23
7292 Shaun Smith M2529 251 31/42 152/201 58:17 58:54 9:23
7370 Amie Endres-Sabroff F3539 252 9/34 100/246 58:35 58:56 9:26
7456 Keith Feiler M6064 253 3/4 153/201 58:48 58:57 9:28
7329 Matthew Schaefer M3539 254 30/41 154/201 58:26 58:59 9:25
7293 Janet Banks F4044 255 10/25 101/246 58:35 59:02 9:26
7311 Barbara Heth F4549 256 7/14 102/246 58:15 59:04 9:23
7488 Jennifer Elliot F2529 257 34/66 103/246 58:58 59:12 9:30
7430 Alison Van Able F4044 258 11/25 104/246 58:29 59:12 9:25
7237 Carrie Booth F2529 259 35/66 105/246 58:50 59:13 9:29
7213 Gina Wammock F4044 260 12/25 106/246 58:44 59:14 9:28
7514 Tracy Donohue F4044 261 13/25 107/246 58:51 59:20 9:29
7326 Holly Ramsey Clary F2529 262 36/66 108/246 58:55 59:24 9:29
7233 Casey Zimmerman F2529 263 37/66 109/246 59:19 59:28 9:33
7491 Christie Olsen F3034 264 21/43 110/246 59:11 59:30 9:32
7457 Laura Schuppener F2529 265 38/66 111/246 58:42 59:31 9:27
7458 Joseph Kvamme M2529 266 32/42 155/201 58:42 59:31 9:27
7464 Julie Martyn F3539 267 10/34 112/246 59:17 59:37 9:33
7175 James Schaak M6569 268 1/2 156/201 58:39 59:40 9:27
7169 Michelle Rodman F2024 269 15/35 113/246 59:34 59:43 9:36
7506 Amy Kamebulski F3539 270 11/34 114/246 59:12 59:44 9:32
7476 Emily Bauer F3034 271 22/43 115/246 59:45 59:51 9:37
7461 Cindy Drew F3539 272 12/34 116/246 59:39 1:00:01 9:36
7290 Michelle Skala F4044 273 14/25 117/246 59:27 1:00:02 9:34
7334 Gary Smith M6064 274 4/4 157/201 59:49 1:00:06 9:38
7452 Pat Martin F5054 275 2/5 118/246 59:44 1:00:08 9:37
7512 Craig Wald M3539 276 31/41 158/201 59:46 1:00:11 9:38
7511 Suzanne Bogwe F3539 277 13/34 119/246 59:46 1:00:11 9:38
7312 Lani Holmes F4044 278 15/25 120/246 59:40 1:00:27 9:37
7421 Erin Quast F2024 279 16/35 121/246 59:29 1:00:27 9:35
7532 Jodi Alt F3539 280 14/34 122/246 59:23 1:00:30 9:34
7406 Matthew Kalua M2529 281 33/42 159/201 59:33 1:00:31 9:35
7070 Manisha Ghorai F2024 282 17/35 123/246 59:50 1:00:36 9:38
7050 Meghan Duffy F2529 283 39/66 124/246 1:00:17 1:00:45 9:42
7270 Suzanne Litscher F3539 284 15/34 125/246 1:00:11 1:00:45 9:42

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