Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

Charts and Stats
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7337 T. Tusi M3539 50 6/41 45/201 46:22 46:24 7:28
7140 John Mielke M4044 51 4/21 46/201 46:05 46:25 7:25
7162 Paul Peterson M5054 52 3/16 47/201 46:53 47:00 7:33
7128 Thomas Lynch M4044 53 5/21 48/201 46:32 47:17 7:30
7403 Zak Wernecke M2529 54 8/42 49/201 47:00 47:27 7:34
7525 Nick Bishop M0119 55 8/11 50/201 46:38 47:32 7:31
7178 Jake Schneider M3034 56 6/23 51/201 47:35 47:37 7:40
7228 Jimmy Wu M2529 57 9/42 52/201 47:40 47:40 7:41
7354 Doug Hensel M2024 58 8/16 53/201 47:52 47:57 7:43
7374 James Fanguy M2529 59 10/42 54/201 48:00 48:05 7:44
7168 Jeff Regel M3539 60 7/41 55/201 48:02 48:21 7:44
7052 Darren Ellenbolt M3034 61 7/23 56/201 47:57 48:23 7:43
7463 Craig Martyn M3539 62 8/41 57/201 48:05 48:24 7:45
7366 Brian Chesick M3034 63 8/23 58/201 47:58 48:24 7:44
7057 Dave Farnia M2529 64 11/42 59/201 48:16 48:28 7:46
7434 Warren Wenzel M3539 65 9/41 60/201 48:00 48:29 7:44
7319 Marisa Leighton F2024 66 2/35 6/246 48:11 48:31 7:46
7368 Kevin Doornek M2529 67 12/42 61/201 48:07 48:34 7:45
7261 Jean Hulbert F5054 68 1/5 7/246 48:40 48:44 7:50
7309 Austin Hays M0119 69 9/11 62/201 48:49 48:52 7:52
7510 Heather Stouder F3034 70 1/43 8/246 48:03 48:58 7:44
7447 Joel Melroy M2529 71 13/42 63/201 48:26 49:08 7:48
7313 Warren Honkola M5054 72 4/16 64/201 48:45 49:11 7:51
7360 Leslie Barni F4044 73 1/25 9/246 48:24 49:17 7:48
7107 Ben Koch M2529 74 14/42 65/201 48:49 49:25 7:52
7401 Jill Sommer F4044 75 2/25 10/246 49:05 49:31 7:54
7484 Pat Brien M3539 76 10/41 66/201 49:24 49:32 7:57
7486 Kenneth Kheang M3539 77 11/41 67/201 49:18 49:33 7:56
7201 Andrew Tesch M3034 78 9/23 68/201 49:11 49:40 7:55
7062 Stuart Forsyth M3539 79 12/41 69/201 49:19 49:43 7:57
7504 Keith Largay M2529 80 15/42 70/201 49:45 49:46 8:01
7429 Barry Seifert M4044 81 6/21 71/201 49:31 49:49 7:59
7066 Kurt Freeders M3539 82 13/41 72/201 49:40 49:56 8:00
7405 Mike Jones M4549 83 7/18 73/201 49:36 50:07 7:59
7139 Loryn Meloy F0119 84 1/11 11/246 49:51 50:10 8:02
7045 David Dettmann M2024 85 9/16 74/201 49:47 50:13 8:01
7129 Jenn Lyons F2529 86 5/66 12/246 50:10 50:18 8:05
7425 Erin Schoenecker F3034 87 2/43 13/246 49:57 50:18 8:03
7088 Lauren Iocca F2529 88 6/66 14/246 50:16 50:31 8:06
7251 Martine Delannay F3034 89 3/43 15/246 49:38 50:33 8:00

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