114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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1520 David Felt M3034 419 43/299 339/2620 45:25 7:20
8728 Jason Campbell M4549 420 14/191 340/2620 45:26 7:20
4634 Brandon Schirmer M3539 421 48/287 341/2620 45:26 7:20
452 Susan Bohinski F5559 422 1/168 81/2605 45:29 7:21
851 Jillian Chavez F0115 423 5/128 82/2605 45:29 7:21
6193 Casey Huber M6569 424 4/91 342/2620 45:31 7:21
2502 Danny Johnson M3539 425 49/287 343/2620 45:32 7:21
8082 Chloe Dunseath F2024 426 17/349 83/2605 45:34 7:21
4502 Patrick Ryan M3539 427 50/287 344/2620 45:35 7:22
9440 James Raidy M0115 428 21/140 345/2620 45:36 7:22
10421 Andre Mellin M5559 429 7/188 346/2620 45:37 7:22
1290 Ethan Dixius M3034 430 44/299 347/2620 45:37 7:22
7384 Jesus Avila M2529 431 53/318 348/2620 45:37 7:22
115 Santiago Arevalo M5054 432 14/199 349/2620 45:37 7:22
2314 Ethan Holley M2024 433 56/284 350/2620 45:38 7:22
3083 Adam Lewis M3034 434 45/299 351/2620 45:39 7:22
10185 John Anning M1619 435 54/169 352/2620 45:39 7:22
6165 Courtney Heikenfeld F4044 436 6/223 84/2605 45:40 7:22
10087 Lance Poole M4044 437 33/224 353/2620 45:40 7:22
5276 Kevin Teran M3034 438 46/299 354/2620 45:41 7:23
7716 Brady McPheron M1619 439 55/169 355/2620 45:42 7:23
5275 David Teran M3539 440 51/287 356/2620 45:42 7:23
2154 Tieran Hejazifar M0115 441 22/140 357/2620 45:43 7:23
5061 Chris Steege M2529 442 54/318 358/2620 45:43 7:23
1627 Zachary Franxman M3539 443 52/287 359/2620 45:44 7:23
368 Kevin Berndsen M4044 444 34/224 360/2620 45:44 7:23
9277 Wes McKinney M2529 445 55/318 361/2620 45:44 7:23
1699 Henry Gass M3034 446 47/299 362/2620 45:45 7:23
4606 Ron Schalk M5054 447 15/199 363/2620 45:46 7:23
3105 Eric Lies M4044 448 35/224 364/2620 45:47 7:23
1623 Sawyer Franxman M0115 449 23/140 365/2620 45:47 7:24
5838 Alex Zestermann M2024 450 57/284 366/2620 45:51 7:24
3641 Cooper Molony M0115 451 24/140 367/2620 45:51 7:24
5350 Ryan Treubig M3034 452 48/299 368/2620 45:51 7:24
5239 Andrew Taylor M4549 453 15/191 369/2620 45:52 7:24
3995 Kevin Parke M4549 454 16/191 370/2620 45:52 7:24
6447 Kristen Pond F4044 455 7/223 85/2605 45:53 7:25
3996 Marsha Parke F5054 456 3/186 86/2605 45:54 7:25
7327 Dwayne Steele M4549 457 17/191 371/2620 45:54 7:25
2950 Reese Kuhlman M2024 458 58/284 372/2620 45:55 7:25

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