Madison Marathon 2007

6K - Results

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8277 Megan McCormick F2529 175 16/36 70/170 38:51 39:33 10:05
8078 Ben Morse M2529 176 12/17 106/143 39:20 39:43 10:13
8068 Kristin Ludtke F2529 177 17/36 71/170 39:20 39:43 10:13
8288 Joshua Edwards M3034 178 16/18 107/143 38:58 39:49 10:07
8239 Anne Maradiaga F3034 179 12/31 72/170 39:25 39:50 10:14
8166 Robyn Fortlage F3034 180 13/31 73/170 39:14 39:52 10:11
8203 Natalie Senecal F3034 181 14/31 74/170 39:14 39:52 10:11
8063 Rachel McKenney F2529 182 18/36 75/170 39:46 39:59 10:20
8334 Anne Schwartz F2529 183 19/36 76/170 39:55 40:07 10:22
8226 Jodie Grubbs F3539 184 6/12 77/170 39:21 40:09 10:13
8042 Brett Hagland M2529 185 13/17 108/143 39:28 40:11 10:15
8314 Karen Morrison F4549 186 6/13 78/170 39:53 40:13 10:22
8274 Kyle Morgan M3539 187 12/16 109/143 39:37 40:15 10:17
8265 Megan Millard F2529 188 20/36 79/170 39:39 40:16 10:18
8340 Jaromir Zelazny M0119 189 20/22 110/143 40:03 40:23 10:24
8190 Andrew Mueller M3539 190 13/16 111/143 40:08 40:26 10:25
8301 Andreae Frey F2529 191 21/36 80/170 40:24 40:30 10:30
8302 Danielle Kison F3034 192 15/31 81/170 40:24 40:31 10:30
8275 Melissa Kuffer F2024 193 7/12 82/170 39:44 40:34 10:19
8198 Gregg Scherer M5559 194 10/14 112/143 40:22 40:40 10:29
8158 Jo Christofferson M4044 195 11/12 113/143 39:47 40:43 10:20
8084 Jenny Wimmer F3539 196 7/12 83/170 40:07 40:52 10:25
8091 Renee Ostrowski F3034 197 16/31 84/170 40:43 40:57 10:34
8331 Patricia McLean F5054 198 4/8 85/170 40:33 41:03 10:32
8210 Debra Weber F4044 199 8/15 86/170 39:39 41:17 10:18
8347 Bill Bishop - 200 0/0 114/143 40:35 41:31 10:32
8279 Deidre Dunn F5054 201 5/8 87/170 40:52 41:32 10:37
8046 Eric Hase M2529 202 14/17 115/143 40:46 41:46 10:35
8111 Michelle Schneider F2529 203 22/36 88/170 40:47 41:46 10:35
8149 Khalid Ali M5054 204 8/10 116/143 41:22 41:49 10:45
8307 Stephanie Phifer F3034 205 17/31 89/170 41:07 41:51 10:41
8348 Andrew Bishop M0119 206 21/22 117/143 41:03 41:58 10:40
8245 Andrea Payan F2529 207 23/36 90/170 41:10 42:02 10:41
8224 Mary Christison F5054 208 6/8 91/170 41:48 42:14 10:51
8185 Laurie Meier F4044 209 9/15 92/170 40:40 42:18 10:34
8032 Jennifer Fronczak F3034 210 18/31 93/170 41:51 42:22 10:52
8138 Beth Werner F3034 211 19/31 94/170 41:50 42:22 10:52
8107 Kara Rose F3034 212 20/31 95/170 41:40 42:23 10:49
8196 Betty Rhyner F5559 213 2/13 96/170 41:36 42:29 10:48
8339 Julia Ensch F0119 214 16/22 97/170 42:20 42:39 11:00

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