114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2043 Mike Harrington M7074 5147 41/41 2593/2629 2:00:17 19:24
2898 Seretha Kreiner F7074 5148 34/38 2555/2609 2:00:26 19:26
6432 Valerie Pence F7074 5149 35/38 2556/2609 2:00:34 19:27
5907 Katie Bishop F3539 5150 248/252 2557/2609 2:00:49 19:30
894 Tamara Cline F5054 5151 179/186 2558/2609 2:00:58 19:31
893 Michael Cline M5559 5152 184/188 2594/2629 2:00:58 19:31
5233 Josephine Tappel F2529 5153 353/356 2559/2609 2:01:01 19:31
6305 Karii MacCune F5054 5154 180/186 2560/2609 2:01:01 19:32
5232 Chris Tappel M3034 5155 296/299 2595/2629 2:01:03 19:32
2005 Tina Hammond F4044 5156 220/223 2561/2609 2:01:13 19:33
2003 Tina Hammond F4044 5157 221/223 2562/2609 2:01:13 19:33
2004 Tina Hammond F4044 5158 222/223 2563/2609 2:01:13 19:33
6148 Sheena Harrell F3539 5159 249/252 2564/2609 2:01:14 19:34
5180 Meredith Stutz F3034 5160 255/260 2565/2609 2:01:18 19:34
9 Josh Ackerman M4044 5161 228/228 2596/2629 2:01:23 19:35
10289 James Reed M3539 5162 283/287 2597/2629 2:01:23 19:35
6837 Emilie Grube F4549 5163 208/211 2566/2609 2:01:30 19:36
8296 Valerie Berra F7074 5164 36/38 2567/2609 2:01:35 19:37
8294 Hollie Hubbert F4549 5165 209/211 2568/2609 2:01:37 19:37
8295 Thomas Bailey M0115 5166 139/140 2598/2629 2:01:38 19:38
8845 Clinton Dorger M6569 5167 88/91 2599/2629 2:01:40 19:38
8608 Steve Barber M6064 5168 164/166 2600/2629 2:01:41 19:38
394 Eric Bingham M2529 5169 318/318 2601/2629 2:01:47 19:39
396 Karen Bingham F6064 5170 122/124 2569/2609 2:01:47 19:39
5018 Cindy Stahl F6569 5171 45/48 2570/2609 2:01:55 19:40
7930 Cybelle Weeks F5054 5172 181/186 2571/2609 2:01:55 19:40
7379 Dylan Andrews M1619 5173 168/169 2602/2629 2:02:02 19:41
6543 Matt Sirk M3539 5174 284/287 2603/2629 2:02:06 19:42
5553 Olivia Watson F2024 5175 343/349 2572/2609 2:02:23 19:45
5554 Sarah Watson F0115 5176 128/128 2573/2609 2:02:23 19:45
5550 Jason Watson M5054 5177 198/200 2604/2629 2:02:30 19:46
6839 John Grube M4549 5178 189/191 2605/2629 2:02:49 19:49
1514 Deb Feller F6064 5179 123/124 2574/2609 2:02:49 19:49
1845 Susan Gorman F5559 5180 167/168 2575/2609 2:02:49 19:49
221 Kristen Barkimer F4044 5181 223/223 2576/2609 2:02:55 19:50
5620 Angela Wetherington Stutz F7074 5182 37/38 2577/2609 2:03:03 19:51
7373 Ken Albers M5054 5183 199/200 2606/2629 2:03:09 19:52
1832 Elizabeth Goodrich F5054 5184 182/186 2578/2609 2:03:10 19:52
7374 Maggie Albers F2024 5185 344/349 2579/2609 2:03:14 19:53
6112 Lindsay Goodrich F2024 5186 345/349 2580/2609 2:03:17 19:53

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