114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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5238 Jimmy Tassos M3034 979 95/299 717/2620 50:52 8:13
6269 Stephanie Lallement F5054 980 12/186 263/2605 50:53 8:13
7021 Brian Spurling M4549 981 43/191 718/2620 50:53 8:13
9527 Jennifer Schaefer F2529 982 48/356 264/2605 50:53 8:13
7471 Jason Cossman M4549 983 44/191 719/2620 50:53 8:13
1897 Mitchell Greer M2024 984 105/284 720/2620 50:54 8:13
7466 Calvin Cooper M1619 985 77/169 721/2620 50:54 8:13
4494 Aaron Rutz M3034 986 96/299 722/2620 50:57 8:13
4994 Sue Spanton F5054 987 13/186 265/2605 50:58 8:14
771 Jeff Capannari M3539 988 100/287 723/2620 50:59 8:14
2463 Nick Jamison M2529 989 98/318 724/2620 50:59 8:14
126 Liam Armentrout M0115 990 41/140 725/2620 50:59 8:14
2710 Matthew Kiefaber M5054 991 39/199 726/2620 50:59 8:14
8528 Sean Cornelius M3034 992 97/299 727/2620 51:00 8:14
5348 Kevin Trespalacios M3034 993 98/299 728/2620 51:00 8:14
10443 Gage Behrens M1619 994 78/169 729/2620 51:00 8:14
8211 Sam Burchell M2529 995 99/318 730/2620 51:00 8:14
1326 Rachel Dorski F2024 996 43/349 266/2605 51:01 8:14
4481 Brianne Runyan F3539 997 25/252 267/2605 51:01 8:14
2789 Heidi Klump F4549 998 10/211 268/2605 51:01 8:14
8910 Chris Findley M5054 999 40/199 731/2620 51:01 8:14
1586 Rob Flowers M4044 1000 76/224 732/2620 51:01 8:14
7528 Jack Fisher M2024 1001 106/284 733/2620 51:01 8:14
9406 Jack Pennington M4044 1002 77/224 734/2620 51:02 8:14
9087 Megan Huth F2024 1003 44/349 269/2605 51:03 8:14
3262 Frances Maier F0115 1004 28/128 270/2605 51:03 8:15
8999 Daniel Griffin M6569 1005 14/91 735/2620 51:04 8:15
6119 Colin Graham M2529 1006 100/318 736/2620 51:05 8:15
4240 Emily Ream F4044 1007 19/223 271/2605 51:06 8:15
4827 Adam Shelton M2529 1008 101/318 737/2620 51:06 8:15
5510 Mary Wagner F6064 1009 2/121 272/2605 51:07 8:15
5124 Thomas Stines M1619 1010 79/169 738/2620 51:07 8:15
4020 Grace Pavloff F1619 1011 42/250 273/2605 51:07 8:15
9356 Hart Neely M3539 1012 101/287 739/2620 51:08 8:15
6042 Abigail Fermann F1619 1013 43/250 274/2605 51:08 8:15
1585 Makayla Florence F3034 1014 38/260 275/2605 51:10 8:15
7232 Kyra McHugh F2024 1015 45/349 276/2605 51:12 8:16
8849 Paul Dorger,Jr. M2529 1016 102/318 740/2620 51:12 8:16
9409 Justin Perkins M3034 1017 99/299 741/2620 51:12 8:16
9063 Kaytlin Hollander F2529 1018 49/356 277/2605 51:12 8:16

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