Valentine's Day Run

5k Run


February 15, 2009 in Denver, CO


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5k Run - Results

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displaying: 1 - 39 of 39
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32 Mark Baveka M3039 4 1/39 4/133 17:27 5:38
74 Dan Lingerfield M3039 8 2/39 8/133 18:57 6:07
308 Bobby Lehman M3039 9 3/39 9/133 19:02 6:09
89 Peter Lehman M3039 12 4/39 12/133 19:06 6:10
75 Paul Fisher M3039 13 5/39 13/133 19:16 6:13
433 Vinnie Basile M3039 26 6/39 24/133 21:30 6:56
38 Aaron Clark M3039 31 7/39 28/133 21:57 7:05
274 Lance Hanshue M3039 35 8/39 30/133 22:14 7:11
105 Greg Zuercher M3039 53 9/39 40/133 24:16 7:50
337 Jon Mullett M3039 69 10/39 48/133 25:29 8:13
438 Douglas Tisdale M3039 78 11/39 53/133 25:59 8:23
131 Chris Duggar M3039 95 12/39 62/133 26:49 8:39
314 Chris Lindley M3039 101 13/39 65/133 27:14 8:48
190 Joseph Bearss M3039 103 14/39 67/133 27:20 8:49
294 Nick Jurjovec M3039 104 15/39 68/133 27:22 8:50
146 Chris Dingman M3039 105 16/39 69/133 27:23 8:50
229 Justin Dentry M3039 108 17/39 71/133 27:39 8:56
250 Brent Flot M3039 109 18/39 72/133 27:39 8:56
362 Todd Prescott M3039 119 19/39 76/133 27:59 9:02
68 Dan Hilton M3039 120 20/39 77/133 28:00 9:02
154 Manuel Arquipa M3039 122 21/39 78/133 28:11 9:06
47 John Brodhun M3039 131 22/39 84/133 28:39 9:15
284 Michael Hooks M3039 132 23/39 85/133 28:40 9:15
264 Brian Grogan M3039 140 24/39 87/133 28:52 9:19
236 Brian Dunham M3039 143 25/39 89/133 29:14 9:26
248 Adam Fisher M3039 151 26/39 90/133 29:30 9:31
221 Nick Costanzo M3039 155 27/39 91/133 29:38 9:34
381 Travis Sherley M3039 158 28/39 92/133 29:48 9:37
333 Scott Miller M3039 179 29/39 96/133 30:57 9:59
278 Kevin Hento M3039 181 30/39 97/133 31:02 10:01
40 Scott Steigerwald M3039 187 31/39 100/133 31:11 10:04
128 Tim Hartwig M3039 193 32/39 102/133 31:30 10:10
153 Jack Alanis M3039 204 33/39 103/133 32:13 10:24
212 Justin Chester M3039 210 34/39 104/133 32:38 10:32
201 Steven Brown M3039 223 35/39 107/133 33:26 10:47
181 Chad August M3039 265 36/39 119/133 38:21 12:22
393 Troy Terranova M3039 270 37/39 121/133 38:53 12:33
239 Brian Easton M3039 285 38/39 125/133 41:15 13:19
191 Frank Becka M3039 292 39/39 128/133 42:30 13:43

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