Zooma Denver Half Marathon & 5 Miler

5 Miler


September 20, 2009 in Denver, CO

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5 Miler - Results

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displaying: 1 - 29 of 29
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187 Renee Barker F3539 3 1/29 3/151 39:18 39:12 7:51
21 Sophia Tsai F3539 16 3/29 12/151 45:17 45:12 9:03
126 Angie Derix F3539 19 4/29 15/151 46:05 45:54 9:11
101 Shannon Brooks F3539 22 5/29 16/151 46:25 46:06 9:14
92 Masawee Suthikant F3539 27 2/29 8/151 47:07 43:25 8:41
23 Maura Sawyer F3539 28 6/29 22/151 47:08 46:58 9:24
102 Michelle Klein F3539 36 7/29 32/151 48:23 48:19 9:40
98 Megan Alpert F3539 44 8/29 36/151 49:19 49:10 9:50
136 Erin Hoffman F3539 46 9/29 42/151 49:37 49:29 9:54
24 Kimberly Gallerani F3539 55 10/29 49/151 50:32 50:30 10:06
25 Susanne Stephens F3539 58 11/29 53/151 50:54 50:52 10:11
57 Heather Tavel F3539 63 12/29 58/151 51:07 51:02 10:13
74 Veronica Russell F3539 65 13/29 59/151 51:25 51:16 10:16
164 Johanna Levene F3539 69 14/29 63/151 52:10 51:59 10:24
111 Christine Tarvin F3539 70 15/29 64/151 52:20 52:12 10:27
140 Lori Kaczmarek F3539 73 16/29 67/151 52:31 52:23 10:29
169 Sarah Whetham F3539 76 17/29 68/151 53:11 52:53 10:35
95 Molly Jaques F3539 78 18/29 73/151 53:24 53:18 10:40
129 Kimberly Mattei F3539 85 19/29 81/151 54:29 54:19 10:52
121 Laurel Davis F3539 90 20/29 85/151 55:18 55:06 11:02
31 Tanya Mathias F3539 93 21/29 87/151 56:45 56:35 11:19
96 Michelle Pierret F3539 100 22/29 93/151 58:22 58:08 11:38
4 Erika Deakin F3539 110 23/29 105/151 1:01:00 1:00:51 12:11
163 Michelle Horstmeyer F3539 114 24/29 107/151 1:01:28 1:01:15 12:15
145 Elizabeth Dillman F3539 129 25/29 122/151 1:06:43 1:06:28 13:18
191 Amanda Maze F3539 135 26/29 129/151 1:08:12 1:08:12 13:39
165 Rachel Harlow-Schalk F3539 141 27/29 132/151 1:11:50 1:11:46 14:22
36 Lisa Lockman F3539 149 29/29 139/151 1:16:21 1:15:59 15:12
28 Becci Lott F3539 157 28/29 135/151 1:24:20 1:13:33 14:43

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