2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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1492 Keith Wysocki M2029 74 15/64 57/304 1:43:11 1:42:48 7:51
1106 Jeff Kirshenbaum M4049 75 12/73 58/304 1:44:05 1:43:00 7:52
1309 Thomas Porter M2029 76 16/64 59/304 1:43:40 1:43:13 7:53
1494 Adam Yale M3039 77 22/104 60/304 1:44:18 1:43:13 7:53
1483 Kevin Williams M4049 78 13/73 61/304 1:43:25 1:43:18 7:53
724 Anna Atkinson F3039 79 10/143 18/389 1:43:28 1:43:25 7:54
909 Beth Ehlers F4049 80 3/72 19/389 1:43:39 1:43:26 7:54
1079 Adam Justice M4049 81 14/73 62/304 1:43:58 1:43:26 7:54
859 Tyler Cumberland M1519 82 5/12 63/304 1:43:36 1:43:32 7:54
799 Jamie Bradley F3039 83 11/143 20/389 1:43:45 1:43:38 7:55
774 Amber Benda F2029 84 7/136 21/389 1:43:55 1:43:41 7:55
996 Jamie Guevara F2029 85 8/136 22/389 1:43:52 1:43:52 7:56
1066 Timothy Jensen M5059 86 6/37 64/304 1:44:16 1:44:03 7:57
1138 Jayleen Lambert F2029 87 9/136 23/389 1:44:29 1:44:07 7:57
971 Stacy Gill F3039 88 12/143 24/389 1:44:12 1:44:08 7:57
1182 Jeffrey Marshall M4049 89 15/73 65/304 1:44:38 1:44:17 7:58
1216 Dwayne Meyer M4049 90 16/73 66/304 1:44:31 1:44:21 7:58
760 Colleen Ballard F3039 91 13/143 25/389 1:44:36 1:44:22 7:58
910 Clinton Ehrenberg M2029 92 17/64 67/304 1:44:32 1:44:22 7:58
1014 Robert Hannah M3039 93 23/104 68/304 1:44:29 1:44:23 7:58
1027 Jamie Hemmingsen M3039 94 24/104 69/304 1:44:35 1:44:30 7:59
1486 Nicole Wolfe F3039 95 14/143 26/389 1:44:38 1:44:34 7:59
1153 Todd Lehmann M2029 96 18/64 70/304 1:45:15 1:44:34 7:59
837 Matt Clausen M3039 97 25/104 71/304 1:44:47 1:44:38 7:59
1073 Chris Johnson M5059 98 7/37 72/304 1:44:46 1:44:39 7:59
736 Gregory Albertson M5059 99 8/37 73/304 1:44:59 1:44:51 8:00
1101 Christina King F2029 100 10/136 27/389 1:45:10 1:45:05 8:01
892 Ted Dondlinger M4049 101 17/73 74/304 1:45:33 1:45:11 8:02
713 Luke Brown M1519 102 6/12 75/304 1:45:19 1:45:14 8:02
1061 Jake Jacobson M4049 103 18/73 76/304 1:45:31 1:45:18 8:02
1088 Tim Keller M4049 104 19/73 77/304 1:45:39 1:45:31 8:03
1431 Lori Thomas F3039 105 15/143 28/389 1:45:50 1:45:42 8:04
1413 Kristin Stillwagon F3039 106 16/143 29/389 1:45:59 1:45:53 8:05
1005 Shelly Haiar F3039 107 17/143 30/389 1:46:40 1:45:54 8:05
830 Amy Cherko F2029 108 11/136 31/389 1:46:01 1:45:56 8:05
793 Shane Boss M3039 109 26/104 78/304 1:46:04 1:45:59 8:06
817 Tim Callahan M5059 110 9/37 79/304 1:46:18 1:46:12 8:07
825 Jessica Caton F2029 111 12/136 32/389 1:46:53 1:46:38 8:08
853 Andy Craig M2029 112 19/64 80/304 1:46:53 1:46:38 8:08
1423 Kelsey Supenski F2029 113 13/136 33/389 1:46:54 1:46:48 8:09

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