2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1001 Amanda Haarberg F2029 343 45/136 136/389 2:04:59 2:04:32 9:30
782 Theresa Berry F4049 344 17/72 137/389 2:05:18 2:04:38 9:31
1095 Kristina Kercher F4049 345 18/72 138/389 2:04:53 2:04:47 9:32
696 Yaneth Tebo F2029 346 46/136 139/389 2:04:55 2:04:48 9:32
1160 Baker Lisa F3039 347 70/143 140/389 2:05:05 2:04:51 9:32
975 Valerie Gingrich F2029 348 47/136 141/389 2:05:28 2:05:02 9:33
807 Rob Bruyette M5059 349 26/37 208/304 2:05:36 2:05:02 9:33
944 Jeffrey Fletcher M3039 350 70/104 209/304 2:05:27 2:05:05 9:33
1418 Eric Strabala M3039 351 71/104 210/304 2:05:50 2:05:06 9:33
1419 Mary Strack F2029 352 48/136 142/389 2:05:33 2:05:13 9:34
1040 Brooke Hofstetter F2029 353 49/136 143/389 2:05:36 2:05:14 9:34
687 Paul Imm M2029 354 48/64 211/304 2:05:48 2:05:15 9:34
904 Michelle Dutton F2029 355 50/136 144/389 2:05:37 2:05:16 9:34
984 Nina Grado F3039 356 71/143 145/389 2:05:50 2:05:23 9:34
1107 Mike Klug M3039 357 72/104 212/304 2:05:52 2:05:27 9:35
1245 Shannon Mullaney F3039 358 72/143 146/389 2:05:53 2:05:27 9:35
1259 Kelvin Nesbit M5059 359 27/37 213/304 2:05:50 2:05:28 9:35
732 Dave Trichel M4049 360 54/73 214/304 2:05:50 2:05:28 9:35
1075 Laurie Johnson F4049 361 19/72 147/389 2:06:09 2:05:33 9:35
935 Don Fernandez M4049 362 55/73 215/304 2:06:06 2:05:40 9:36
1119 Cindy Kosmicki F3039 363 73/143 148/389 2:06:00 2:05:42 9:36
692 Jaclynn Geidner F3039 364 74/143 149/389 2:05:58 2:05:42 9:36
1206 Matthew Meade M3039 365 73/104 216/304 2:06:31 2:05:46 9:36
1434 Troy Thomas M0114 366 1/2 217/304 2:06:30 2:05:54 9:37
998 Meghan Guinotte F1519 367 2/10 150/389 2:06:30 2:05:56 9:37
805 Cindy Brown F3039 368 75/143 151/389 2:06:34 2:06:02 9:37
1004 Christina Haggar F2029 369 51/136 152/389 2:06:46 2:06:08 9:38
1378 Joseph Shafer M3039 370 74/104 218/304 2:06:47 2:06:12 9:38
780 Stephanie Bergstrom F4049 371 20/72 153/389 2:06:32 2:06:17 9:38
1497 Marcy Zauha F4049 372 21/72 154/389 2:06:33 2:06:18 9:39
783 Chandler Bigelow M3039 373 75/104 219/304 2:06:51 2:06:21 9:39
1429 Pamela Terry F2029 374 52/136 155/389 2:06:52 2:06:27 9:39
1315 Megan Pryal F2029 375 53/136 156/389 2:06:46 2:06:28 9:39
1432 Robert Thomas M4049 376 56/73 220/304 2:07:08 2:06:33 9:40
1433 Trevor Thomas M0114 377 2/2 221/304 2:07:08 2:06:33 9:40
1131 Kayla Kucks F1519 378 3/10 157/389 2:07:09 2:06:38 9:40
1237 Kim Mowinkel F4049 379 22/72 158/389 2:07:07 2:06:41 9:40
730 Sarah Lees F3039 380 76/143 159/389 2:06:50 2:06:42 9:40
794 Catherine Bouchard F3039 381 77/143 160/389 2:07:13 2:06:50 9:41
1132 Ashley Kuebler F2029 382 54/136 161/389 2:07:30 2:06:54 9:41

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