2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1118 Bob Kosalka M4049 300 49/73 186/304 2:02:21 2:01:59 9:19
1321 William Rabon M4049 301 50/73 187/304 2:02:28 2:01:59 9:19
1412 Kimberly Stevenson F2029 302 38/136 115/389 2:02:12 2:02:04 9:19
1110 Bryan Knudsen M5059 303 24/37 188/304 2:02:15 2:02:06 9:19
1159 Caci Liebentritt F4049 304 14/72 116/389 2:02:27 2:02:09 9:20
801 Emily Brazeal F2029 305 39/136 117/389 2:02:35 2:02:10 9:20
1236 William Moseman M5059 306 25/37 189/304 2:02:44 2:02:29 9:21
907 Loan Eby F4049 307 15/72 118/389 2:02:59 2:02:31 9:21
972 Sam Gilsdorf M1519 308 9/12 190/304 2:02:42 2:02:33 9:21
753 Heidi Avalon F3039 309 60/143 119/389 2:02:54 2:02:33 9:21
1267 Daniel Ochoa M4049 310 51/73 191/304 2:02:46 2:02:33 9:21
1268 Rachel Ochoa F1519 311 1/10 120/389 2:02:46 2:02:33 9:21
1488 Timothy Wozniak M3039 312 64/104 192/304 2:03:19 2:02:42 9:22
1018 Flamina Harrison F3039 313 61/143 121/389 2:03:02 2:02:45 9:22
881 Leah Dick F3039 314 62/143 122/389 2:03:03 2:02:45 9:22
1212 Matthew Menke M3039 315 65/104 193/304 2:03:04 2:02:48 9:22
1225 Laura Miller F4049 316 16/72 123/389 2:03:11 2:02:52 9:23
1345 Michael Robbins M2029 317 42/64 194/304 2:11:44 2:02:55 9:23
1487 Lisa Woodward F3039 318 63/143 124/389 2:03:39 2:02:55 9:23
905 Alex Dworak M3039 319 66/104 195/304 2:03:24 2:02:56 9:23
1344 Heather Robbins F3039 320 64/143 125/389 2:03:16 2:02:58 9:23
824 Brian Catlin M4049 321 52/73 196/304 2:03:38 2:02:59 9:23
871 Andrew De Leonardis M2029 322 43/64 197/304 2:03:41 2:03:04 9:24
1387 Gema Simmons F3039 323 65/143 126/389 2:03:38 2:03:08 9:24
888 Luke Dollmeyer M2029 324 44/64 198/304 2:03:54 2:03:10 9:24
1484 Katie Willson F2029 325 40/136 127/389 2:03:31 2:03:18 9:25
1080 Kaitlin Justice F2029 326 41/136 128/389 2:03:52 2:03:22 9:25
840 Barry Coates M6069 327 3/9 199/304 2:03:44 2:03:33 9:26
684 Tim Szalewski M4049 328 53/73 200/304 2:04:16 2:03:42 9:27
1127 Michael Krueger M3039 329 67/104 201/304 2:03:58 2:03:43 9:27
937 Jill Fichter F2029 330 42/136 129/389 2:04:11 2:03:45 9:27
802 Evan Brockman M2029 331 45/64 202/304 2:04:12 2:03:45 9:27
677 Erin Clymer F3039 332 66/143 130/389 2:04:05 2:03:51 9:27
812 Amy Burgin F3039 333 67/143 131/389 2:04:18 2:03:52 9:27
1223 Cris Miller F3039 334 68/143 132/389 2:04:08 2:03:55 9:28
1145 Adam Laura M3039 335 68/104 203/304 2:04:26 2:03:56 9:28
883 Clayton Dietz M2029 336 46/64 204/304 2:04:11 2:04:00 9:28
744 Josh Anderson M2029 337 47/64 205/304 2:04:12 2:04:00 9:28
1439 Megan Tiffey F2029 338 43/136 133/389 2:04:11 2:04:00 9:28
1480 Michelle Wieme F2029 339 44/136 134/389 2:04:38 2:04:02 9:28

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