2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1029 Brandon Herman M2029 145 28/64 103/304 1:49:30 1:49:24 8:21
1278 Mike Overby M5059 146 11/37 104/304 1:49:54 1:49:30 8:22
698 Arthur Velez M4049 147 28/73 105/304 1:50:09 1:49:43 8:23
705 David Perich M5059 148 12/37 106/304 1:49:54 1:49:45 8:23
1062 Jon Jager M3039 149 32/104 107/304 1:50:29 1:49:57 8:24
1392 Jessica Smith F2029 150 19/136 43/389 1:50:20 1:50:04 8:24
773 Nikole Behrendt F3039 151 21/143 44/389 1:50:14 1:50:05 8:24
1324 Christy Rasmussen F3039 152 22/143 45/389 1:50:32 1:50:13 8:25
916 Jeff Ellwanger M2029 153 29/64 108/304 1:50:48 1:50:17 8:25
1164 Vicky Lodes F5059 154 1/21 46/389 1:50:42 1:50:36 8:27
1256 Leigh Officer F4049 155 5/72 47/389 1:50:56 1:50:37 8:27
708 Elizabeth Chalen F3039 156 23/143 48/389 1:50:55 1:50:39 8:27
718 Warren Kent Whitacre M5059 157 13/37 109/304 1:50:54 1:50:44 8:27
1140 Kelly Lane F2029 158 20/136 49/389 1:51:11 1:50:45 8:27
912 Sue Ehrlich F5059 159 2/21 50/389 1:51:01 1:50:46 8:27
924 Daniel Ewart M1519 160 7/12 110/304 1:51:06 1:50:49 8:28
1474 Brandy Whitaker F3039 161 24/143 51/389 1:51:06 1:50:56 8:28
1500 Nick Zuniga M4049 162 29/73 111/304 1:51:09 1:50:59 8:28
1287 Ernie Parra M5059 163 14/37 112/304 1:51:09 1:51:00 8:29
1165 Terry Loecke M3039 164 33/104 113/304 1:51:21 1:51:01 8:29
1400 Steven Sousek M4049 165 30/73 114/304 1:51:32 1:51:23 8:30
1479 Christopher Whitehurst M4049 166 31/73 115/304 1:52:01 1:51:23 8:30
1234 Mindy Morrissey F3039 167 25/143 52/389 1:51:35 1:51:25 8:30
1115 Teresa Konda F3039 168 26/143 53/389 1:51:40 1:51:30 8:31
1495 Michael Yamzon M3039 169 34/104 116/304 1:51:49 1:51:30 8:31
800 Lesley Brandt F3039 170 27/143 54/389 1:51:46 1:51:37 8:31
1100 Paul Kimmins M2029 171 30/64 117/304 1:51:55 1:51:43 8:32
1133 Christopher Kuhl M3039 172 35/104 118/304 1:51:56 1:51:44 8:32
683 Kelly Waldo M3039 173 36/104 119/304 1:52:16 1:51:55 8:33
682 Briana Waldo F3039 174 28/143 55/389 1:52:16 1:51:56 8:33
745 Lindsay Anderson F2029 175 21/136 56/389 1:52:13 1:51:56 8:33
1372 Alicia Seckman F2029 176 22/136 57/389 1:52:21 1:51:57 8:33
1222 Cori Miller F3039 177 29/143 58/389 1:52:14 1:51:59 8:33
697 Stephanie Fritson F3039 178 30/143 59/389 1:52:16 1:52:06 8:34
700 Jeff Norris M4049 179 32/73 120/304 1:52:23 1:52:08 8:34
1396 Lizette Snyder F2029 180 23/136 60/389 1:52:48 1:52:18 8:34
878 Geoffrey Deweese M4049 181 33/73 121/304 1:52:34 1:52:20 8:35
1350 Dennis Rookstool M4049 182 34/73 122/304 1:53:13 1:52:22 8:35
791 Kirsten Booth F3039 183 31/143 61/389 1:52:45 1:52:24 8:35
693 Matthew Mayer M3039 184 37/104 123/304 1:52:50 1:52:31 8:35

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