Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1104 Makensie Kincade F1318 673 57/81 330/777 31:46 31:31 10:09
435 Wayne Heaser M3539 674 32/46 344/508 31:59 31:31 10:09
175 Jason Schilling M1934 675 117/153 345/508 32:04 31:36 10:11
550 Adam Salo M1934 676 118/153 346/508 32:10 31:36 10:11
326 Jesse Horoshak M1934 677 119/153 347/508 32:37 31:39 10:12
1403 Leah Richter F1934 678 118/292 331/777 32:40 31:41 10:12
202 Matthew Lind M1934 679 120/153 348/508 32:10 31:44 10:13
1670 Christie Erickson F4044 680 22/59 332/777 32:05 31:44 10:13
1244 Danielle Westholm F1934 681 119/292 333/777 32:01 31:45 10:13
1906 Jodi Peterson F1934 682 120/292 334/777 32:52 31:46 10:14
320 Steve Westholm M1934 683 121/153 349/508 32:03 31:47 10:14
1028 Emily Kilgore F1934 684 121/292 335/777 32:12 31:47 10:14
343 Richard Aho M4549 685 26/39 350/508 32:24 31:48 10:15
1761 Liza Timmers F1934 686 122/292 336/777 32:01 31:49 10:15
262 Lou Moran M5559 687 16/27 351/508 32:16 31:49 10:15
1392 Caroline Brasch F0112 688 32/54 337/777 32:26 31:49 10:15
29 Audric Buhr M3539 689 33/46 352/508 32:18 31:50 10:15
1440 Laura Preston F1934 690 123/292 338/777 32:09 31:51 10:15
1139 Cheryl Fosness F4549 691 30/64 339/777 32:03 31:53 10:16
27 Jeffrey Johnson M1934 692 122/153 353/508 32:43 31:53 10:16
1600 Alyson Bialke F3539 693 40/95 340/777 32:17 31:53 10:16
34 Bill Croke M7579 694 2/6 354/508 32:18 31:54 10:16
1062 Jennifer Williams F3539 695 41/95 341/777 32:22 31:58 10:18
1519 Kelli Hallsten F1934 696 124/292 342/777 32:25 31:58 10:18
1059 Lisa Rentz F4044 697 23/59 343/777 32:42 31:58 10:18
1190 Michele Dunleavy F3539 698 42/95 344/777 32:28 31:59 10:18
299 Bryan Johnson M3539 699 34/46 355/508 32:56 31:59 10:18
63 Glenn Meints M4044 700 35/43 356/508 33:09 31:59 10:18
1627 Mary Benko F4044 701 24/59 345/777 32:47 32:00 10:18
539 Dale McCauley M5559 702 17/27 357/508 32:47 32:04 10:20
629 Matthew Fleege M0112 703 28/43 358/508 32:56 32:04 10:20
1117 Brittney Nevins F1934 704 125/292 346/777 32:19 32:06 10:20
73 Donny Nevins M1934 705 123/153 359/508 32:19 32:06 10:20
1532 Nancy Golio F5054 706 21/53 347/777 32:33 32:06 10:20
1530 Betty Tomerlin F5559 707 13/40 348/777 32:33 32:07 10:20
1879 Megan Stariha F1934 708 126/292 349/777 32:11 32:07 10:21
1925 Patricia Fleege F4549 709 31/64 350/777 32:57 32:07 10:21
419 Alex Smedshammer M1318 710 57/64 360/508 32:08 32:08 10:21
1145 Jessica Petersen F1318 711 58/81 351/777 32:41 32:08 10:21
85 Wayne Spaeth M5054 712 20/35 361/508 32:35 32:09 10:21

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