Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 39 of 39
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496 Steve Petersen M3539 1073 46/46 462/508 41:07 40:45 13:07
1721 Dana Noreen F4549 1074 50/64 612/777 41:52 40:45 13:07
1304 Jana Lind F1934 1075 234/292 613/777 41:28 40:55 13:11
483 Paul Montain M5054 1076 33/35 463/508 41:48 40:57 13:11
1257 Cindy Hank-Fuls F3539 1077 81/95 614/777 41:23 41:06 13:14
1397 Colleen Peterson F4044 1078 45/59 615/777 42:08 41:10 13:15
1435 Melissa Twaddle F1934 1079 235/292 616/777 41:39 41:13 13:16
473 Scott Vogland M4044 1080 41/43 464/508 41:36 41:17 13:18
1719 Jennifer Vogland F3539 1081 82/95 617/777 41:38 41:18 13:18
1766 Jennifer Savage F1934 1082 236/292 618/777 41:31 41:23 13:20
1767 Teresa Lamprech F4549 1083 51/64 619/777 41:31 41:23 13:20
128 George McLellan M6064 1084 23/30 465/508 42:07 41:25 13:20
1103 Barbara Sparish F4549 1085 52/64 620/777 41:58 41:26 13:20
1251 Kara Prijatel F1934 1086 237/292 621/777 42:07 41:26 13:20
245 Ajit Das M7579 1087 3/6 466/508 42:24 41:26 13:21
1346 Kelly Sumption F1934 1088 238/292 622/777 42:35 41:27 13:21
1522 Jessica Tapani F1934 1089 239/292 623/777 42:34 41:27 13:21
1017 Paula Johnson F1934 1090 240/292 624/777 42:17 41:29 13:21
1620 Deb Westerberg F1934 1091 241/292 625/777 41:49 41:30 13:22
1708 Mary Hinzmann F1934 1092 242/292 626/777 42:38 41:31 13:22
1744 Wanda Thoreson F6569 1093 4/14 627/777 42:28 41:34 13:23
1460 Margaret Wilson F5054 1094 43/53 628/777 42:24 41:39 13:25
1463 Laramie Rapp F1934 1095 243/292 629/777 41:58 41:42 13:26
1560 Reba Marana F1934 1096 244/292 630/777 41:58 41:43 13:26
1015 Susan Schofield F3539 1097 83/95 631/777 42:09 41:43 13:26
1100 Peg Funes F6064 1099 8/15 633/777 42:40 41:47 13:27
1322 Lynn Beatty F5559 1100 25/40 634/777 42:29 41:50 13:28
1598 Christine Ruscher F1934 1101 245/292 635/777 42:32 41:51 13:29
1780 Karin Latour F4044 1102 46/59 636/777 42:46 41:54 13:29
1776 Hiedi McMann F4549 1103 53/64 637/777 42:45 41:55 13:30
1421 Jane Gilbert-Howard F5559 1104 26/40 638/777 42:58 42:14 13:36
1426 Angela Gilbert F1934 1105 246/292 639/777 42:59 42:14 13:36
549 Gary McPherson M7074 1106 2/3 467/508 43:02 42:17 13:37
1785 Katie Ahlberg F1934 1107 247/292 640/777 42:53 42:17 13:37
1553 Lois Baker F4044 1108 47/59 641/777 43:21 42:22 13:39
1180 Paula Rannikko F4549 1109 54/64 642/777 43:15 42:28 13:40
573 Randy Suliin M4549 1110 35/39 468/508 43:18 42:30 13:41
1370 Kathrine Russell F1934 1111 248/292 643/777 43:15 42:33 13:42
1472 Kelly Russell F1934 1112 249/292 644/777 43:15 42:33 13:42

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