First American State Bank Fitness Festival



September 12, 2009 in Greenwood Village, CO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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460 Mary Jean Gradisar F5059 235 6/27 86/263 33:09 31:29 10:42
437 Albert Frederick M3039 236 20/32 135/230 31:40 31:30 10:13
617 Denise Stasiak F5059 237 4/27 69/263 31:47 31:31 10:16
1156 Dalton Frederick M1013 238 12/30 137/230 31:44 31:35 10:15
360 Sheri Cahill F3039 239 20/57 75/263 32:10 31:43 10:23
1785 Katie Patrick F1013 240 10/34 103/263 33:32 31:48 10:49
1685 Lindsay Houseal F2029 241 15/37 73/263 32:09 32:00 10:22
1436 Mich Wruck F5059 242 7/27 89/263 33:11 32:02 10:43
1400 Heather Volmer F3039 243 22/57 90/263 33:11 32:02 10:43
1435 Jennifer Wruck F3039 244 23/57 91/263 33:12 32:03 10:43
646 Thomas Kennedy M6069 245 6/16 139/230 32:14 32:03 10:24
1024 Aj Carucci M0109 246 9/26 157/230 34:22 32:13 11:06
1552 Adam Giniewski M0109 247 10/26 158/230 34:22 32:13 11:06
486 Katie Hendrickson F2029 248 25/37 125/263 36:11 32:20 11:41
1535 John Stevens M 249 7/11 148/230 33:17 32:21 10:44
632 Teresa Jensen F4049 250 22/58 83/263 32:47 32:23 10:35
471 Renee Hamilton F5059 251 5/27 85/263 33:01 32:34 10:39
263 Sarah Bartell F2029 252 20/37 97/263 33:19 32:38 10:45
657 Audrey Krebs F5059 253 8/27 93/263 33:14 32:38 10:43
2020 Jeremy Dominguez M0109 254 7/26 143/230 32:42 32:38 10:33
2003 Lindsay Painton F1013 255 5/34 82/263 32:45 32:40 10:34
1441 Denise Zeroff-Smith F4049 256 29/58 121/263 35:54 32:48 11:35
172 Ron Anderson M6069 257 7/16 145/230 33:01 32:50 10:39
1412 Lori Walters F3039 258 24/57 96/263 33:17 32:54 10:45
2036 Nathanha Hurja F3039 259 29/57 122/263 35:58 32:59 11:36
630 Matt Jenkins M1013 260 16/30 153/230 33:51 33:01 10:55
817 Jack Honeyfield M1013 261 18/30 159/230 34:24 33:03 11:06
856 Dixie Periman F6069 262 2/7 99/263 33:23 33:07 10:47
1890 Catherine Song F1013 263 11/34 109/263 34:13 33:08 11:03
22 Ryan Paxton M1013 264 17/30 155/230 34:01 33:08 10:59
631 William Jenkins M4049 265 35/46 154/230 34:00 33:09 10:58
1368 Kerry Swenson F3039 266 25/57 100/263 33:25 33:11 10:47
499 Erica Jaffe F2029 267 22/37 104/263 33:59 33:19 10:58
1016 Liam Thompson M0109 268 8/26 156/230 34:21 33:24 11:05
958 Colleen Thompson F4049 269 26/58 111/263 34:26 33:29 11:07
1629 Mimi Goodman F5059 270 10/27 106/263 34:02 33:30 10:59
531 Jackson Vann M0109 271 11/26 173/230 37:02 33:30 11:57
532 Karen Vann F3039 272 32/57 131/263 37:02 33:30 11:57
18 Joe Paxton M4049 273 36/46 160/230 34:26 33:33 11:07
1931 Thomas Horton M1013 274 15/30 151/230 33:36 33:34 10:51

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