114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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5136 Rick Stone M6064 1819 41/166 1212/2629 56:05 9:03
1319 Anna Donnelly F2529 1820 94/356 608/2609 56:05 9:03
5494 Andrew Vonhandorf M3034 1821 164/299 1213/2629 56:06 9:03
6476 Rebecca Riegelsberger F4044 1822 48/223 609/2609 56:06 9:03
5011 John Spurrier M4044 1823 117/228 1214/2629 56:06 9:03
10426 Kevin Hurley M4044 1824 118/228 1215/2629 56:07 9:03
3523 Elaine Mersch F6569 1825 2/48 610/2609 56:07 9:03
2379 Ericka Huff F3034 1826 69/260 611/2609 56:07 9:03
8260 Kathleen Fussinger F6064 1827 19/124 612/2609 56:07 9:03
10425 Cara Hurley F4044 1828 49/223 613/2609 56:07 9:04
1686 Todd Gandy M5559 1829 55/188 1216/2629 56:08 9:04
7018 Ryan Spencer M3034 1830 165/299 1217/2629 56:08 9:04
3544 Donovan Michel M2024 1831 172/284 1218/2629 56:09 9:04
1291 Jeff Dixius M6064 1832 42/166 1219/2629 56:09 9:04
495 Adam Bourassa M4044 1833 119/228 1220/2629 56:09 9:04
6815 Alyssa Frye F2529 1834 95/356 614/2609 56:10 9:04
5150 Emily Strausbaugh F4549 1835 35/211 615/2609 56:10 9:04
5151 Kailey Strausbaugh F1619 1836 80/250 616/2609 56:10 9:04
3932 Jennifer Olson F3034 1837 70/260 617/2609 56:10 9:04
6865 Dustin Hunter M3539 1838 150/287 1221/2629 56:10 9:04
2988 Gus Lamas M3034 1839 166/299 1222/2629 56:10 9:04
3474 Anna McQuade F3034 1840 71/260 618/2609 56:11 9:04
7480 Hayley Dant F3539 1841 72/252 619/2609 56:12 9:04
4855 Robert Sieko M5054 1842 78/200 1223/2629 56:12 9:04
5091 Alexandra Stetter F2529 1843 96/356 620/2609 56:13 9:04
388 Ted Biggs M5559 1844 56/188 1224/2629 56:13 9:04
9797 Caroline Wells F4549 1845 36/211 621/2609 56:13 9:04
4962 Sandy Smith M2024 1846 173/284 1225/2629 56:13 9:05
1468 Addison Fagan F2024 1847 99/349 622/2609 56:14 9:05
1914 Sydney Groneck F3034 1848 72/260 623/2609 56:14 9:05
7257 Nathan Morgan M4044 1849 120/228 1226/2629 56:14 9:05
3245 Kelsea Madden F2024 1850 100/349 624/2609 56:14 9:05
6309 Gretchen Mahan F4549 1851 37/211 625/2609 56:15 9:05
3306 Sonya Markesbery F5559 1852 19/168 626/2609 56:15 9:05
3548 Pawel Mieczykowski M5559 1853 57/188 1227/2629 56:16 9:05
8909 Cecilia Fermann F1619 1854 81/250 627/2609 56:16 9:05
2165 Tyler Helms M0115 1855 66/140 1228/2629 56:16 9:05
7253 Bella Morgan F1619 1856 82/250 628/2609 56:16 9:05
5028 Christian Staples M3034 1857 167/299 1229/2629 56:18 9:05
6820 Dan Geisler M4044 1858 121/228 1230/2629 56:18 9:05

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