114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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3808 Gabriella Neufarth F0115 2195 51/128 803/2609 58:13 9:24
5397 Austin Van Zile M3539 2196 169/287 1393/2629 58:13 9:24
751 Caleb Campbell M2529 2197 180/318 1394/2629 58:13 9:24
7050 Joshua Vanzant M4044 2198 141/228 1395/2629 58:14 9:24
3616 Kortney Mitchell F4044 2199 63/223 804/2609 58:14 9:24
2341 Jessica Horgan F2024 2200 124/349 805/2609 58:14 9:24
6742 Julie Burns F4549 2201 52/211 806/2609 58:15 9:24
258 Adrienne Baumann F2024 2202 125/349 807/2609 58:15 9:24
138 Sonia Asif F3539 2203 91/252 808/2609 58:15 9:24
6925 Matthew Mahon M2024 2204 186/284 1396/2629 58:16 9:24
3950 Lauren Ossege F2529 2205 129/356 809/2609 58:16 9:24
6660 Malcolm Wells M2529 2206 181/318 1397/2629 58:16 9:24
9840 Millie Wuellner F0115 2207 52/128 810/2609 58:17 9:24
5435 Enrique Velasco M2529 2208 182/318 1398/2629 58:17 9:24
1555 Fernando Fischer M2529 2209 183/318 1399/2629 58:17 9:24
3489 Elam Mechley M5054 2210 91/200 1400/2629 58:17 9:24
9710 Alia Thomas F1619 2211 113/250 811/2609 58:18 9:25
6662 Andrew Wells-Bean M3539 2212 170/287 1401/2629 58:18 9:25
1715 Pierce Geary M3539 2213 171/287 1402/2629 58:19 9:25
1638 Eric Freeman M3034 2214 185/299 1403/2629 58:19 9:25
336 Meghan Benedict F2529 2215 130/356 812/2609 58:19 9:25
303 Alexander Beckes M2529 2216 184/318 1404/2629 58:19 9:25
5917 Derek Brandt M5054 2217 92/200 1405/2629 58:20 9:25
2010 Brady Hangen M2529 2218 185/318 1406/2629 58:20 9:25
6627 Lynn Varner F2024 2219 126/349 813/2609 58:21 9:25
6626 David Varner M5054 2220 93/200 1407/2629 58:22 9:25
1807 Will Goebel M0115 2221 75/140 1408/2629 58:22 9:25
1732 Lauren Gerhardt F2529 2222 131/356 814/2609 58:23 9:25
10043 Jack Dusing M0115 2223 76/140 1409/2629 58:23 9:25
8917 Dan Fleshour M5559 2224 69/188 1410/2629 58:24 9:26
9802 Brennan Werner M1619 2225 122/169 1411/2629 58:24 9:26
9477 Chloe Roberson F1619 2226 114/250 815/2609 58:24 9:26
7496 Samantha Devore F2529 2227 132/356 816/2609 58:24 9:26
7836 Sam Speyer M3034 2228 186/299 1412/2629 58:25 9:26
7996 Sally Vogele F5559 2229 28/168 817/2609 58:27 9:26
10378 Oliver Sheridan M0115 2230 77/140 1413/2629 58:27 9:26
10114 Ally Miller F3034 2231 90/260 818/2609 58:27 9:26
3994 Eduardo Paredes M3539 2232 172/287 1414/2629 58:27 9:26
3587 Megan Miller F4549 2233 53/211 819/2609 58:27 9:26
2517 Reagan Johnson F2024 2234 127/349 820/2609 58:28 9:26

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