Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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330 George Marthaler M1934 194 50/153 148/508 25:35 24:55 8:02
280 Geoffrey Hanson M6569 195 1/20 149/508 25:03 24:56 8:02
589 Scott Williams M1934 196 51/153 150/508 25:02 24:59 8:03
1808 Kristi Pesch F5054 197 4/53 47/777 25:05 25:02 8:04
111 Nick Robillard M1318 198 38/64 151/508 25:23 25:03 8:04
447 Manilan Houle M1318 199 39/64 152/508 25:15 25:03 8:04
156 Andy Selner M1934 200 52/153 153/508 25:21 25:04 8:04
80 Brandon Tuttle M1934 201 53/153 154/508 25:09 25:06 8:05
1138 Marilyn Nichols F4044 202 1/59 48/777 25:46 25:08 8:06
201 Adam Latour M0112 203 5/43 155/508 26:08 25:08 8:06
1813 Michelle Miller F3539 204 6/95 49/777 25:13 25:09 8:06
1361 Josephine Schmidt F1318 205 18/81 50/777 25:55 25:09 8:06
1052 Madison Danelski F0112 206 3/54 51/777 25:39 25:09 8:06
630 Ethan Waytashek M0112 207 6/43 156/508 25:16 25:10 8:06
81 Rick Recker M6064 208 4/30 157/508 25:14 25:14 8:08
423 Patrick Phillips M6064 209 5/30 158/508 25:25 25:14 8:08
1556 Dominique Caya F1318 210 19/81 52/777 25:26 25:15 8:08
45 Neil Joss M3539 211 13/46 159/508 25:28 25:15 8:08
1159 Heather Kiehne F3539 212 7/95 53/777 25:23 25:18 8:09
261 Jason Carlson M3539 213 14/46 160/508 25:28 25:18 8:09
380 Andrew Jabs M1934 214 54/153 161/508 26:00 25:18 8:09
1112 Cheryl Haugen F4044 215 2/59 54/777 25:28 25:21 8:10
1089 Heidi Warmbold F1934 216 12/292 55/777 25:33 25:22 8:10
609 Brooke Olson F1934 217 13/292 56/777 26:03 25:22 8:10
274 Logan Wright M0112 218 7/43 162/508 25:35 25:22 8:10
381 Mike Davis M4549 219 14/39 163/508 25:28 25:23 8:11
1921 Jill Gebeck F3539 220 8/95 57/777 25:37 25:24 8:11
187 Ben Landowski M1934 221 55/153 164/508 25:28 25:24 8:11
1698 Kristin Ulstad F1934 222 14/292 58/777 26:25 25:27 8:12
537 Matt Knutson M1318 223 40/64 165/508 25:50 25:28 8:12
1851 Audra Sorenson F1934 224 15/292 59/777 26:21 25:30 8:13
1402 April Stowe F1934 225 16/292 60/777 25:34 25:31 8:13
125 Mark Antonich M4044 226 12/43 166/508 25:49 25:32 8:13
176 Steve Hahn M1934 227 56/153 167/508 25:36 25:33 8:14
1099 Anna Eckberg F1318 228 20/81 61/777 25:51 25:33 8:14
65 Alexander Kincade M1934 229 57/153 168/508 25:50 25:34 8:14
1366 Johanna Schmidt F0112 230 4/54 62/777 26:21 25:35 8:14
407 Matthew Bordson M1934 231 58/153 169/508 25:57 25:35 8:14
1011 Lauren Versaglli F1934 232 17/292 63/777 25:44 25:36 8:15
150 David Hartley M1934 233 59/153 170/508 26:35 25:36 8:15

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