Valentine's Day Run

5k Run


February 15, 2009 in Denver, CO


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5k Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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256 Andrea Gerlach F2029 166 36/55 71/174 30:12 9:45
401 Cathy Vidikan F4049 167 16/37 72/174 30:12 9:45
184 Paige Ayres F2029 168 37/55 73/174 30:13 9:45
319 Jaimie Luce F3039 169 16/43 74/174 30:17 9:46
341 Nicky Norton F4049 170 17/37 75/174 30:21 9:48
155 Silvana Aiguipa F1319 171 3/11 76/174 30:32 9:51
52 Wendi Loose F???? 172 1/1 77/174 30:35 9:52
246 Deborah Ferraro F3039 173 17/43 78/174 30:36 9:53
353 Sarah Pearl F1319 174 4/11 79/174 30:38 9:53
407 Larissa Wilson F3039 175 18/43 80/174 30:51 9:57
192 Michelle Benskin F2029 176 38/55 81/174 30:51 9:58
318 Jennifer Lowe F3039 177 19/43 82/174 30:54 9:58
369 Laura Romeo F2029 178 39/55 83/174 30:54 9:59
333 Scott Miller M3039 179 29/39 96/133 30:57 9:59
243 Jennifer Ertler F3039 180 20/43 84/174 30:59 10:00
278 Kevin Hento M3039 181 30/39 97/133 31:02 10:01
230 Aaron Dickerson M2029 182 18/19 98/133 31:05 10:02
247 Allison Fike F2029 183 40/55 85/174 31:05 10:02
436 Linda Youlios F4049 184 18/37 86/174 31:05 10:02
53 Donald Carrigan M6069 185 8/13 99/133 31:07 10:03
382 Liesel Skiles F4049 186 19/37 87/174 31:09 10:03
40 Scott Steigerwald M3039 187 31/39 100/133 31:11 10:04
368 Teresa Rison F4049 188 20/37 88/174 31:13 10:04
195 Cliff Bimmerle M4049 189 19/26 101/133 31:19 10:06
91 Ona Wigginton F4049 190 21/37 89/174 31:22 10:07
374 Nicole Ruby F3039 191 21/43 90/174 31:28 10:09
402 Jen Wahl F3039 192 22/43 91/174 31:28 10:09
128 Tim Hartwig M3039 193 32/39 102/133 31:30 10:10
301 Audrey Krebs F5059 194 3/16 92/174 31:38 10:13
61 Marissa Reyes F0112 195 2/4 93/174 31:42 10:14
295 Kimberley Kaiser F2029 196 41/55 94/174 31:52 10:17
189 Jennifer Bates F3039 197 23/43 95/174 31:53 10:17
305 Kimberlee Da Lamothe F5059 198 4/16 96/174 32:00 10:20
241 Janina C Edwards F3039 199 24/43 97/174 32:03 10:21
54 Norma Carrigan F5059 200 5/16 98/174 32:08 10:22
41 April Galambos F3039 201 25/43 99/174 32:08 10:22
222 Angela Costanzo F3039 202 26/43 100/174 32:12 10:23
87 Beth Tomerlin F2029 203 42/55 101/174 32:12 10:24
153 Jack Alanis M3039 204 33/39 103/133 32:13 10:24
183 Cindy Ayon F2029 205 43/55 102/174 32:13 10:24

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