114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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3018 Kathy Lau F5559 1752 16/168 583/2609 55:38 8:59
10143 Audrey Koenig F2529 1753 85/356 584/2609 55:39 8:59
1001 Brock Copeland M3034 1754 159/299 1170/2629 55:39 8:59
7759 Andrew Piepmeier M4549 1755 82/191 1171/2629 55:39 8:59
6525 Beth Shanklin F6064 1756 17/124 585/2609 55:39 8:59
10145 Jeff Koenig M6064 1757 39/166 1172/2629 55:40 8:59
1189 Steve Deitzer M5559 1758 51/188 1173/2629 55:40 8:59
2142 Brooke Heis F2024 1759 98/349 586/2609 55:40 8:59
10420 Nicole Wilson F3539 1760 70/252 587/2609 55:41 8:59
9918 Greg Fermann M5559 1761 52/188 1174/2629 55:41 8:59
7450 Benjamin Chadwick M3539 1762 148/287 1175/2629 55:41 8:59
1551 Caitlin Fiordirosa F3034 1763 64/260 588/2609 55:42 8:59
6045 Gretchen Fermann F5559 1764 17/168 589/2609 55:42 8:59
6844 Dana Hacker F3034 1765 65/260 590/2609 55:43 9:00
10002 Hudson Leek M0115 1766 63/140 1176/2629 55:45 9:00
8954 James Gatherwright M4044 1767 114/228 1177/2629 55:45 9:00
2881 Kameron Kraus M2024 1768 164/284 1178/2629 55:46 9:00
709 John Byrne M6064 1769 40/166 1179/2629 55:47 9:00
8139 Zachary Havens M3034 1770 160/299 1180/2629 55:48 9:00
10330 Ben Wiesner M1619 1771 108/169 1181/2629 55:48 9:00
4919 Caleb Smith M3034 1772 161/299 1182/2629 55:49 9:01
2473 Jesse Jarrold-Grapes M2024 1773 165/284 1183/2629 55:49 9:01
5740 John Wissel M4044 1774 115/228 1184/2629 55:49 9:01
6829 Grace Greenwald F2529 1775 86/356 591/2609 55:49 9:01
2489 Bob Jennings M5559 1776 53/188 1185/2629 55:49 9:01
8043 Sarah Inskeep F2529 1777 87/356 592/2609 55:51 9:01
3195 Nicholas Lund M2529 1778 152/318 1186/2629 55:51 9:01
7561 Brock Giesenschlag M1619 1779 109/169 1187/2629 55:52 9:01
9873 Ryan Krofta M2529 1780 153/318 1188/2629 55:52 9:01
110 Kyle Arendsen M3034 1781 162/299 1189/2629 55:52 9:01
7563 Zach Giesenschlag M1619 1782 110/169 1190/2629 55:52 9:01
5196 Courtney Sump F3034 1783 66/260 593/2609 55:53 9:01
1391 Julie Eagen F4549 1784 34/211 594/2609 55:53 9:01
4211 Jennifer Radt F5054 1785 30/186 595/2609 55:53 9:01
4234 Kate Raub F3034 1786 67/260 596/2609 55:53 9:01
5379 Abagail Uran Munoz F2529 1787 88/356 597/2609 55:54 9:01
8698 James Bruemmer M0115 1788 64/140 1191/2629 55:54 9:01
7376 Kyle Amyx M3034 1789 163/299 1192/2629 55:55 9:02
5249 Hal Taylor M2024 1790 166/284 1193/2629 55:55 9:02
1056 Mike Cravens M5054 1791 77/200 1194/2629 55:55 9:02

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