2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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818 Renee Campbell F4049 244 8/72 86/389 1:57:39 1:57:19 8:57
1316 William Pryor M4049 245 44/73 159/304 1:57:40 1:57:22 8:58
1147 Nick Leach M3039 246 52/104 160/304 1:57:37 1:57:27 8:58
1357 Mark Rowe M5059 247 21/37 161/304 1:57:44 1:57:27 8:58
1374 Kayce Seidl F2029 248 31/136 87/389 1:57:49 1:57:33 8:58
1280 Cari Oziah F3039 249 45/143 88/389 1:58:31 1:57:52 9:00
931 Julie Fedderson F3039 250 46/143 89/389 1:58:40 1:57:58 9:00
886 Nick Dixon M2029 251 35/64 162/304 1:58:38 1:58:05 9:01
885 Heather Dixon F2029 252 32/136 90/389 1:58:38 1:58:05 9:01
986 Ron Grafelman M3039 253 53/104 163/304 1:58:30 1:58:07 9:01
1445 Mark Traynowicz M4049 254 45/73 164/304 1:58:22 1:58:10 9:01
926 Leslie Fagan F4049 255 9/72 91/389 1:58:21 1:58:18 9:02
1134 Melissa Kuskie F4049 256 10/72 92/389 1:58:23 1:58:20 9:02
789 Aaron Boni M2029 257 36/64 165/304 1:58:49 1:58:33 9:03
792 Koral Booth F3039 258 47/143 93/389 1:59:05 1:58:44 9:04
1031 Lindsey Herrera F2029 259 33/136 94/389 1:59:08 1:58:54 9:05
1083 Julie Kasun F4049 260 11/72 95/389 1:59:23 1:58:58 9:05
1368 Kirk Scholten M3039 261 54/104 166/304 1:59:16 1:58:59 9:05
974 Danielle Gingrich F2029 262 34/136 96/389 1:59:26 1:59:00 9:05
1093 Peter Kenney M3039 263 55/104 167/304 1:59:36 1:59:20 9:07
809 Leah Buller F3039 264 48/143 97/389 1:59:46 1:59:25 9:07
1337 Kirstin Ricketts F3039 265 49/143 98/389 1:59:46 1:59:25 9:07
938 Mike Finck M3039 266 56/104 168/304 2:00:02 1:59:32 9:08
1013 Michelle Hannah F3039 267 50/143 99/389 1:59:54 1:59:33 9:08
1297 Anna Perran F3039 268 51/143 100/389 2:00:27 1:59:35 9:08
1016 Michael Hanson M2029 269 37/64 169/304 2:00:23 1:59:41 9:08
1371 Tiffany Sealock F3039 270 52/143 101/389 1:59:58 1:59:41 9:08
757 Sarah Baker F3039 271 53/143 102/389 2:00:33 1:59:52 9:09
1033 Jordan Hicks M2029 272 38/64 170/304 2:00:21 1:59:52 9:09
836 Dinah Claus F3039 273 54/143 103/389 2:00:33 1:59:52 9:09
895 Dave Drew M3039 274 57/104 171/304 2:00:11 2:00:02 9:10
896 Emily Drew F3039 275 55/143 104/389 2:00:11 2:00:02 9:10
1086 Brian Keegan M2029 276 39/64 172/304 2:00:44 2:00:02 9:10
1377 Scott Seymow M3039 277 58/104 173/304 2:01:05 2:00:08 9:10
675 Susan Smisek F5059 278 4/21 105/389 2:00:22 2:00:09 9:10
1395 Justin Snodgrass M3039 279 59/104 174/304 2:00:22 2:00:11 9:11
1468 Timothy Watts M3039 280 60/104 175/304 2:00:32 2:00:12 9:11
1162 Amy Locher F2029 281 35/136 106/389 2:00:38 2:00:14 9:11
721 Fred Longo M5059 282 22/37 176/304 2:00:29 2:00:17 9:11
1049 Donnette Hoyle F3039 283 56/143 107/389 2:00:57 2:00:35 9:12

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